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Who was Turner anyway?

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Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

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St. Louis, MO: Jefferson Barracks History Campout

August 1, 2015 all-day
Jefferson Barracks County Park
533 Grant Road
Saint Louis, MO 63125

St. Louis, MO: Jefferson Barracks History Campout

Turners participated in the History Campout at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, Missouri, on Saturday, August 1, 2015.

Turners at Jefferson Barracks 2015

Rich Black, Randy Baehr, and Mike McCubbins talk with campers about the Filley gun at the History Campout at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, on August 1, 2015.

Mike McCubbins, Mike Just, and Randy Baehr drill campers from the Junior AMVETS on the Filley gun at the History Campout at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, on August 1, 2015.

Mike McCubbins, Mike Just, and Randy Baehr drill campers from the Junior AMVETS on the Filley gun at the History Campout at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, on August 1, 2015.

Turners at Jefferson Barracks 2015

Larry McDaniel talks with a camper at the History Campout at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, on August 1, 2015.

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