Companies K & H, Consolidated, are the Turner Brigade’s large-gun battery. The battery fields a full-scale 10-pounder Parrott rifle. Their members also serve as Brigade Provost Guards.
With its large gun, Companies K & H, Consolidated, represent Turner artillery at national events, serving with guns of the Western Artillery Reserve, 1st Federal Division. Members of Company M joined Companies K & H to serve on Company K’s gun at the 2012 and 2002 reenactments of the Battle of Shiloh, 2011 and 2000 reenactments of the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, at the 1999 reenactment of the Battle of Chickamauga, and at the 135th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1998.
For an official history of the various units of the 1st Missouri Light Artillery during the War of the Rebellion, read the excerpt of Annual Report of the Adjutant General of Missouri for the Year ending December 31, 1865.
For information about Companies K & H, Consolidated, contact: