Who was Turner anyway?

Who was Turner anyway?

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Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

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St. Louis, MO: NCWAA School of the Piece

May 18, 2013 – May 19, 2013 all-day
Jefferson Barracks County Park
St. Louis
$20 registration fee
Lt. Col. Jack Grothe, SVR
(314) 631-7492

St. Louis, MO: NCWAA School of the Piece

A School of the Piece, a muzzle-loading artillery safety qualification program for reenactors and living historians, was held May 18 at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, Missouri. The program was presented by the National Civil War Artillery Association and the Sons of Veterans Reserve of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

NCWAA Chairman Ethan Barnett at the School of the Piece.

National Civil War Artillery Association Chairman Ethan Barnett explains a point of drill during the School of the Piece held at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, May 18, 2013.

Instruction at the School of the Piece.

Co. K 1Sgt. Mike Ravetta instructs a crew on the Parrott rifle at the School of the Piece at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, May 18, 2013.

Instruction at the School of the Piece.

Turner Larry Stephens instructs a crew at the School of the Piece at Jefferson Barracks County Park in south St. Louis County, MO, May 18, 2013.

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