Who was Turner anyway?

Who was Turner anyway?

Click on this image to find out who Turner was.

Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

Click on this image to learn about opportunities as a bugler, fifer or drummer with the Turner Brigade.

Pittsfield, IL: Lincoln Days Reenactment–POSTPONED TO AUGUST 2020

June 6, 2020 – June 7, 2020 all-day
Lake Pittsfield
270th Ave & 3275 E
Griggsville, IL 62340

Pittsfield, IL: Pike County Commemorative Battle Reenactment–POSTPONED TO AUGUST 2020

Turners at Pittsfield 2019

A Company K crew fires the Parrott rifle during action at the Pittsfield, IL, event June 1-2, 2019.


The Abe Lincoln Project and the City of Pittsfield will sponsor the 19th annual Lincoln Days Civil War Reenactment, held at scenic Lake Pittsfield at Pittsfield, IL, August 1-2, 2020.  This event was originally scheduled for June 6-7, 2020.

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