Sullivan, MO: General Harney Days Living History

A home once owned by Civil War General William S. Harney, commander of the St. Louis Arsenal in 1861, was the site of the Gen. Harney Days living history in Sullivan, MO, August 31, 2019.
The Harney Mansion Festival, a one-day living history event, will be held Saturday, August 7, 2021, at the Harney Mansion in Sullivan, Missouri. The event is a commemoration of Gen. William S. Harney, commander of the St. Louis Arsenal in early 1861, who was a Sullivan resident for a period.
Besides Civil War activities, demonstrations and presentations will include an exhibit of original photos of Gen. Harney and his summer home, displays of mid-19th century weapons and artifacts, vintage tools and implements, and vintage clothing. At 2 p.m. The Proclamation Brass Ensemble will present a musical program, and other musicians will play throughout the day. For children, a petting zoo will be there also.
Click here to download a flyer for the event.