Who was Turner anyway?

Who was Turner anyway?

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Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

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St. Louis, Missouri. Folklife Festival living history at Kirkwood Park.

September 15, 2012 – September 17, 2012 all-day
Kirkwood Park
Kirkwood Park Maintenance
111 S Geyer Rd, St Louis, MO 63122

St. Louis, MO: Folklife Festival living history at Kirkwood Park

The Turners were a popular attraction at the Folklife Festival area of the Greentree Festival in Kirkwood, MO, on September 15-16. The cool weather brought out good crowds to the event, drawn to our area by the periodic gunfire.

Co. M at Folklife Festival

A Company M crew fires a demonstration round from the Filley gun.

Co. G at Folklife Festival

A Company G squad fires a musket volley.

Spectators at Folklife Festival

Capt. Greg Zelinske talks to a group of spectators.

Co. G at Folklife Festival

A spectator, dressed out by the infantry with greatcoat and musket, poses with Greg Zelinske and Aaron Gamble.

Company G was featured in several photos published on stltoday.com, the website of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. One was also in the print edition.

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