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September 14, 2013 – September 15, 2013 all-day
Kirkwood Park
North Geyer Road & West Adams Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122
North Geyer Road & West Adams Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122
St. Louis, MO: Folklife Festival living history at Kirkwood Park
The City of Kirkwood sponsored the Folklife Festival, a part of the annual Greentree Festival, held September 14-15, 2013, at Kirkwood Park in Kirkwood, Missouri. The Folklife Festival presented arts and crafts, music and living history.

Members of Company G, along with troops from the 11th Mississippi, fire a demonstration volley at the Folklife Festival.

Company G’s “Wilson Moreland” told spectators about women who served as soldiers during the Civil War at the Folklife Festival.