Ordnance Sgt. Mike Watson demonstrates making paper cartridges at the Turner Spring Drill at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville in 2011.
The following feature articles appeared in The Shrapnel, the newsletter of the Turner Brigade:
Union Forces at Pilot Knob, by Scott House. How to portray various Union forces at the 150th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Pilot Knob in September 2014.
So You Want to Be a Civil War Reenactor… by Skip Korte. Good places to get good stuff for your impression.
The Regulars in St. Louis, 1861 by Bill Baehr. Background on U.S. Regular Army units that were stationed in St. Louis in 1861 and what they wore, for your 150th anniversary event impression.
The Steamboat Bertrand Museum:
The Bertrand: Time Capsule of April 1, 1865 by Pat Baehr
Mountain Howitzer Ammunition Packing Boxes by Randy Baehr
A. Quick Look at…
Turner member Anita Quick wrote about Civil War topics in her column in The Shrapnel. Here are a few of her columns.
A. Quick Look at…The Call to Arms
A. Quick Look at…The Eye of the Beholder
A. Quick Look at…Behind the Lines at Belmont
A. Quick Look at…The Fog of War and Silent Battle
A. Quick Look at…“Beauty and Booty”
A. Quick Look at…The Rhea County Spartans
Rational Rations by Paul Winslow
Turner member Paul Winslow reviewed Civil War rations in this feature series in The Shrapnel.
Part One: An Introduction to Civil War Field Rations
The Barleycorn Boys Campaigner’s Corner by (Bvt. Sgt.) Pvt. Mike Palada
Turner member Mike Palada reviewed topics in progressive reenacting in this column in The Shrapnel.
“We Have Drank from the Same Canteen…” A review of Federal issue canteens.
“Who Are You?” First-Person Impressions.
All the Trappings of a Pack Mule Knapsacks and blanket rolls.
Sew What?… Federal issue brogans.
A Dicey Situation Civil War period dice games.
With Chums Like These, Who Needs Enemies. Period Parlor tricks to complement one’s first-person.
The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium Is a Valuable Resource for Your Impression A review of the book.
Let Me Borrow Your Looking Glass, I Have Guard… The basics of mounting guard.
Ring, Ring de Banjo! Period minstrels.
Dear Barley…Signed Lost in Wall Tent Advice for the campaigner.
This Old Shebang Building a temporary shelter.
Camp of Instruction, Or, Instances of the Daily, Mundane, and Monotonous Duties in the Civil War Training Camp Improving your impression around camp.
Unit Research
Flag Research Identifies Origin of 17th Missouri Colors by Randy Baehr
Conservation Reveals New Details of 17th Missouri Colors by Randy Baehr
International Events
Ridgeway: A Unique Reenacting Opportunity by Paul Winslow. The 135th Anniversary Reenactment of the “Battle of Ridgeway” Fenian Raid.
This Is Good, But Did They Really All Have English Accents? by Bill Baehr. An American Civil War Reenactment in England, reported from an American Perspective.
Weston Park: A Fond Farewell to Old Friends and a Hello to New by Lawrence Hatter. An American Civil War Reenactment in England, reported from an English Perspective.
For information about The Shrapnel, contact Sheila Porter, Editor.