January/February 1860
From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, January 24,
Retirement of Dr. Boernstein.
The subjoined card announces the retirement of Dr. Henry Boernstein from the editorial chair of the Anzeiger des Westens. That journal, the most influential German journal in the West, and the one having the largest circulation is a sufficient monument of the great energy and ability of Dr. Boernstein, both as an editor and publisher. It had neither circulation, nor influence, we are assured, when he became its conductor and proprietor; its present condition is therefore solid proof of the tact, judgment and talent which have presided over its management and infused vigor and brilliancy into its editorial columns since it passed into his charge. Yet the name of Dr. Bernays, who has been associate editor for some years, is sufficient assurance that it will in no manner degenerate under the new management.
We cordially reciprocate the sentiments which Dr. Boernstein addresses to us, in common with his other colleagues and contemporaries of the press. They will all acknowledge, we believe, the candor, courtesy and independence with which he has borne his part in the fierce political controversies, local and general, of the past ten years. The Free Labor party (in the support of which the DEMOCRAT and the Anzeiger have been, and will continue to be, we have no doubt, thoroughly in accord, though differing most essentially on questions of a non-political character,) is largely indebted for its victories in this city to his powerful advocacy. We must, therefore, be permitted to express our deep regret (for public as well as personal reasons,) at his retirement, but also the hope that he may find in new pursuits some consolation for the cares of labors, and relaxation from the constant strain of thought, which are the leading attributes of editorial life.
A CARD–To-day I withdraw from the editorial chair of the Anzeiger des Westens forever, and will confine myself to the duties of publisher of that paper. I thank my fellow-citizens for the very generous support and numerous marks of sympathy they have accorded me during my long editorial career, and I can never forget what energetic, warm and active friends I-when a stranger-found and retained in this city. Having conducted the Anzeiger during the last ten years, and through the most violent and exciting political struggles, and having been, now, for nearly twenty years, connected with the press of this country, (as Parisian correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune and the N. Y. Post,) I may claim the right to withdraw from active service.
The editorial department of the Anzeiger will, in future, be conducted by Messrs. CHAS. L. BERNAYS and Dr. GEORGE HILLGAERTNER, assisted by Mr. OTTO RUPPIUS, and a corps of able and active reporters, as well as a number of talented contributors throughout the United States, and well informed correspondents in London, Paris and the principal cities of Germany.
From my colleagues of the press, and worthy contemporaries, I part with the greatest regret, wishing them the best success and a happy and pleasant future. Let the friendship and the esteem which they have manifested towards me be transferred to my successors, and it will always afford me the greatest pleasure to oblige my former colleagues by any attention or service in my sphere of activity. To all my friends a kind farewell. HENRY BOERNSTEIN, Proprietor and Publisher of the Anzeiger des Westens.
St. Louis, January 23, 1860.