May/June 1860
From The Missouri Democrat, Saturday, May 19, 1860.
Contest between Lincoln and Seward.
Nominated for Vice President.
[Special Dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
CHICAGO, May 18.—Convention called to order at 10 A. M.
A delegate moved to allow the Maryland delegation to full up their number.
Mr. Amour, objected, not knowing the object of the motion or the men proposed.
After some other preliminary business, the Convention proceeded at 11 o’clock to ballot for a candidate for President, with the following result:
Gen. Nye, nominated W. H. Seward, of New York. [Applause.]
Mr. Judd, nominated Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. [Immense and prolonged applause.]
New Jersey presented W. L. Dayton.
Pennsylvania nominated Gen. Cameron.
Mr. Carter, nominated S. P. Chase, of Ohio.
Indiana delegation desired to second the nomination of Abraham Lincoln. [Immense Applause.]
Mr. Blair presented the name of Edward Bates amid great applause. Michigan desired to second the nomination of Wm. H. Seward. (Great applause.)
John McLean was nominated by Tom Corwin. Wisconsin and Minnesota seconded the nomination of W. H. Seward. (Applause and confusion.) Kansas also seconded Seward. A part of the Ohio delegation desired to second the nomination of the man who knows how to split rails, Abe Lincoln. (Round after round of applause.) Two-thirds of Iowa seconded the nomination of Lincoln. The voting proceeded. Main [sic], 10 for Seward, 6 for Lincoln. New Hampshire, 1 for Fremont, 1 for Chase, 1 for Seward, 7 for Lincoln. Vermont, 10 for Jacob Collamer. Massachusetts, 4 for Lincoln, 22 for Seward. Rhode Island, 1 for Chase, 1 for Bates, 1 for John M. Reed, 5 for McLean. Connecticut, 2 for Lincoln, 7 for Bates, 2 for Chase, 1 for Wade. New York casts 70 votes for Wm. H. Seward. New Jersey, 14 for Dayton. Pennsylvania, Cameron 47½, Lincoln 4, McLean 1, Seward 1½. Maryland, under instructions to vote as a unit, cast 11 votes for Bates. Members of the Maryland delegation protested that they were not instructed, and persisted in their right to vote for their individual preference.
The Chair stated that, under the rules the Chairman of the delegation was authorized to announce the vote of that State. The Convention reversed the decision of the Chair—6 for Bates. Virginia 14 for Lincoln; 8 for Seward; 1 for Cameron. Kentucky, Sumner 1; 1 for McLean; 2 for Wade; 5 for Seward; 6 for Lincoln; 8 for Chase. Ohio, 34 for Chase; 4 for McLean; 8 for Lincoln. Indiana, 26 for Lincoln. Missouri, 18 for Bates. Michigan, 12 for Seward. Illinois, 22 for Lincoln. Texas, 4 for Seward; 2 for Bates. Wisconsin, 10 for Seward. Iowa, 2 for Lincoln; 2 for Seward; 1 for Bates; 1 for Cameron; 1 for McLean; 1 for Chase. California, 8 for Seward. Minnesota, 8 for Seward. Oregon, 5 for Bates. Kansas Territory, 6 for Seward. Nebraska Territory, 10 for Lincoln, 2 for Chase, 1 for Cameron, 2 for Seward. Maryland called by delegates, and cast 3 for Seward, 8 for Bates.
The vote was announced as follows: Total, 465; necessary to a choice, 233. Seward 173½, Lincoln 102, Bates 48, Cameron 50½, McLean 12, Chase 49, Wade 5, Fremont 1, Dayton 24, Jacob Collamer 10, Reid [sic] 1, Sumner 1.
Second ballot, 12 o’clock—Maine, 10 for Seward, 5 for Lincoln. New Hampshire, 1 for Seward, 9 for Lincoln. Vermont, 10 for Lincoln. Massachusetts, 1 for Lincoln, 22 for Seward. Rhode Island, 2 for McLean, 3 for Chase, 4 for Lincoln. Connecticut, 4 for Lincoln, 2 for Chase, 4 for Bates, 2 for McClean [sic]. N. Y., Seward 70. New Jersey, 10 for Dayton, 4 for Seward. Pennsylvania, 48 for Lincoln, 2½ for McLean, 2½ for Seward, 1 for Cameron. Maryland, 8 for Bates, 3 for Seward. Delaware, 6 for Lincoln. Virginia, 14 for Lincoln, 8 for Seward, 1 for Cameron; Kentucky, 7 for Seward, 9 for Lincoln, 6 for Chase. Ohio, 29 for Chase, 2 for McClean [sic], 14 for Lincoln. Indiana, 26 for Lincoln. Missouri, 18 for Bates. Michigan, 12 for Seward. Illinois, 26 for Lincoln. Texas, 6 for Seward. Wisconsin, 10 for Seward. Iowa, 5 for Lincoln, 2 for Seward, ½ for McLean, ½ for Chase. California, 8 for Seward. Minnesota, 8 for Seward. Oregon, 5 for Bates. Kansas, 6 for Seward. Nebraska, 3 for Seward, 1 for Lincoln, 2 for Chase. District of Columbia, 2 for Seward. Pennsylvania not being ready when first called, was called again after the others had been called, and the name of General Cameron formally withdrawn from the Convention.
The ballot was announced as follows:
Total vote, 465. Necessary to a choice 233, Seward 184½, for Lincoln , 181, for Bates, 39, for Cameron, 8, for Chase, 2½, for Dayton, 10, for Cassius M.Clay, 2.
Maine, 10 for Seward, 6 for Lincoln. New Hampshire, for Seward 9, for Lincoln 2½.
Vermont 10 for Lincoln; Massachusetts 18 for Seward, and 8 for Lincoln; Rhode Island 1 for Seward, 5 for Lincoln, 1 for McLean and 1 for Chase; Connecticut 1 for Clay, 2 for Chase, 4 for Bates, 4 for Lincoln, and 1 for Seward; New York, 70 for Seward; New Jersey, 5 for Seward, 8 for Lincoln, 1 Dayton; Pennsylvania, 2 for McLean, 52 for Lincoln; Maryland, 9 for Lincoln, 2 for Seward; Delaware, 6 for Lincoln; Virginia, 14 for Lincoln, 8 for Seward; Kentucky, 13 for Lincoln, 4 for Chase, 6 for Seward; Ohio, 15 for Chase, 2 for McLean, 29 for Lincoln; Indiana, 26 for Lincoln; Missouri, 18 for Bates; Michigan, 12 for Seward; Illinois, 22 for Lincoln; Texas, 6 for Seward; Wisconsin, 10 for Seward; Iowa 2 for Seward, 5½ for Lincoln, ½ for Chase; California 8 for Seward; Minnesota 8 for Seward; Oregon 4 for Lincoln, 1 for Seward; Kansas 6 for Seward; Nebraska 2 for Seward, 2 for Chase, 1 for Lincoln; District of Columbia 2 for Seward.
Lincoln now wanted two votes for a nomination. Massachusetts changed 10 offhand votes from Seward to Lincoln. Pennsylvania changed her vote making it 53 for Lincoln. Ohio presented a unanimous vote for Lincoln. The cannon are firing for Lincoln’s nomination, and the tumultuous assembly is wild with enthusiasm. New York desired the silence of the convention. B. Gratz Brown, on behalf of Missouri, cast her 18 votes for that gallant son of the West, Abraham Lincoln. Kentucky, Main [sic], Virginia, California, Texas, District of Columbia, Kansas, Nebraska, cast unanimous votes for Lincoln.
WIGWAM TELEGRAPH OFFICE, CHICAGO, May 18, 1860.—The third ballot was finally announced, as follows: Total 466; necessary to a choice 234. Abraham Lincoln received 354 votes.
New York, on behalf of the delegation from that State, moved that the nomination of Abraham Lincoln be made unanimous.
Massachusetts seconded the motion in an eloquent address, promising the electoral vote of Massachusetts for Abraham Lincoln, by 100,000 majority.
Carl Shurz, of Wisconsin, and Blair, of Michigan, eloquently seconded, on behalf of their respective States, the motion of the State of New York.
Mr. Browning, on behalf of Illinois, responded, thanking the Convention, and New York in particular, for the decision of this convention.
The motion carried unanimously at one o’clock and thirty-five minutes.
On suggestion of Mr. Evarts, the Chairmen of the respective delegations agreed to meet at the headquarters of the New York delegation, at three o’clock, to consult in regard to the nomination for Vice President.
The Convention then adjourned to five o’clock P. M.
5:20 P. M.—The crowd this afternoon is as dense as ever; there is no getting the Convention to order.
Lincoln has been telegraphed to come to Chicago this evening, and a special train provided at Springfield for him; but on advice of prominent Illinois politicians, now in Chicago, he has decided not to come.
The Convention was called to order at 5:30.
A Massachusetts delegate presented the name of Nathaniel P. Banks for Vice President. Hannibal Hamlin was nominated. Cassius M. Clay was nominated, amid great applause, by a delegate from Ohio. This was seconded by the Kentucky delegation. Mr. Lowry nominated Gov. Reeder.
Maine 16 for Hamlin; Vermont 10 for Hamlin; New Hampshire 10 for Hamlin; Delaware 3 for Clay, 2 for Hamlin, and 1 for Hickman; Massachusetts 20 for Banks, 1 for Reeder, 1 for Hamlin, 1 for Hickman; Virginia 23 for Cassius M. Clay; Kentucky 23 for Clay; Connecticut 5 for Hamlin, 3 for Hickman, 3 for Clay, 1 for Banks; Rhode Island 8 for Hamlin; Ohio 45 for Hamlin; Indiana 8 for Hamlin, 18 for Clay; New York 1 for John M. Reid, 3 for Reeder, 4 for Banks, 8 for Davis, of Maryland, 9 for Clay, 10 for Hickman, 35 for Hamlin; Missouri, 9 for Banks, 9 for Hickman; Pennsylvania, 24 for Reeder, 11 for Hamlin, 7 for Hickman, 4½ for Clay, 3 for Dayton, 2½ for Banks; Michigan, 8 for Hamlin, 4 for Clay; Illinois, 16 for Reeder, 2 for Hamlin, 2 for Clay, 2 for Hickman; Texas, 6 votes for Gen. Sam Houston, [laughter]; New Jersey, 6 for Hamlin, 1 for Clay, 7 for Reeder; Wisconsin, 5 for Hamlin, 5 for Clay; Iowa, 6 for Hamlin, 1 for Reeder, 1 for Banks; California-the State of California remembers David C. Broderick, and casts 8 votes for John Hickman; Minnesota, 1 for Hickman, 6 for Hamlin, 1 for Clay; Oregon, 3 for Hickman, 1 for Hamlin, 1 for Banks; Kansas, 6 for Hickman; Nebraska, 5 for Hickman, 1 for Clay; District of Columbia, 2 for Clay. Maryland, 8 for Hamlin, 2 for Clay, 1 for Hickman.
The vote was announced as follows: Whole number 461; necessary to a choice 231. Hickman 58; Hamlin 194; Banks 38½; Clay 101½; Reeder 61; Dayton 3; Reid 1; Davis 8; Houston 6.
No choice having been made for a candidate for Vice President, the Convention proceeded to a
Maine, 16 for Hamlin; New Hampshire, 10 for Hamlin; Vermont, 10 for Hamlin; Massachusetts withdrew Mr. Banks and cast 26 votes for Hamlin; Rhode Island, 8 for Hamlin; Connecticut, 10 for Hamlin, 2 for Hickman; Pennsylvania withdrew the name of Mr. Reeder; New Jersey, 14 for Hamlin; Maryland 10 for Hamlin, 1 for Clay; Delaware 6 for Hamlin; Virginia, 23 for Clay; New York, 70 for Hannibal Hamlin; Kentucky, 23 for Clay; Ohio, 46 for Hamlin; Indiana, 14 for Clay, 12 for Hamlin; Penn., 54 for Hamlin; Missouri, 5 for Clay, 13 for Hamlin; Michigan, 8 for Hamlin, 4 for Clay; Illinois, 29 for Hamlin, 2 for Clay; Texas, 6 for Clay; Wisconsin, 5 for Clay, 5 for Hamlin; Iowa, 8 for Hamlin; California casts 7 votes for Hamlin, and being a fighting State, 1 for Mr. Clay; Minnesota, 7 for Hamlin, 1 for Clay; Oregon, 3 for Hamlin, 2 for Hickman; Kansas, 3 for Hickman, 2 for Hamlin, 1 for Clay; Nebraska, 6 for Hickman; District of Columbia, 2 for Hamlin.
During the second ballot the name of Mr. Clay elicited considerable applause.
The second ballot was announced as follows: Whole number, 486. Necessary to a choice 234; Hannibal Hamlin, 367.
The announcement was greeted with terrific applause, and the vast assemblage was for some moments entirely uncontrollable.
A delegate from Kentucky moved to make the nomination of Mr. Hamlin unanimous, and in behalf of Mr. Clay thanking those who had voted for him, assuring them that in voting for Mr. Clay, they had voted for a man whose only crime has been that the love of freedom has rolled as a sweet morsel under his tongue, and upon whose lips liberty has loved to linger. [Cheers.]
New York and Indiana seconded the motion.
Mr. Willis, of Maine, returned thanks for the high honor done to their commonwealth, and declared their motto would be “Lincoln and Hamlin, union and victory.”
The nomination was made unanimous.
Gov. Corwin was loudly called for, when Mr. Carter, of Ohio, stated that Mr. Corwin was indisposed, and had authorized him to assure the Convention of his hearty approval of the proceedings, and of his earnest labors during the coming campaign.
The President of the Convention and the chairman of the several delegations were appointed a committee to notify Hon. Abram [sic] Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, of their unanimous nomination for the respective offices of President and Vice President of the United States.
On motion of Mr. Giddings, a resolution was adopted, to the effect that we hold the Democratic party guilty of the violation of the Constitution in the expulsion of citizens from Kentucky.
G. W. F.
CHICAGO, May 18.—First ballot merely formal, yet encouraging to Sewardites, who demanded immediately a second ballot. New Hampshire was first to break ground for Lincoln, giving 2 more votes than on the first ballot. Vermont and other New England States followed, giving a gain of 17 votes to Lincoln. Pennsylvania, fearful of Seward, and seeing Lincoln’s chances best, cast an almost solid vote for the latter. Lincoln’s whole gain on the second ballot was 79. Seward’s gain on the same ballot was 11. The New Yorkers still confident, pressed for a third ballot, but were disappointed, as Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Oregon, went almost entirely for Lincoln, who fell short of a nomination only two and a half votes. At this juncture, 4 Ohio votes were changed to Lincoln, giving him the nomination.
When Blair, of Michigan, seconded the motion of Evarts, of New York, to make the nomination unanimous, and alluded to the love of his delegation for Mr. Seward, the faces of several members of the New York delegation were bathed in tears. The New Yorkers attributed Seward’s defeat chiefly to Greeley.
Before adjournment, the members of the National Executive Committee for the next four years were nominated by the several States. Missouri named Asa S. Jones, and Illinois Norman B. Judd.
The Convention accepted the invitation of the Rock Island and Galena & Chicago Union railroads, tendering excursions to the Mississippi river.
After the usual thanks to the citizens of Chicago and the officers of the Convention, it was moved, at 7 o’clock and 15 minutes, that the Republican Convention adjourn sine die.
Before submitting the motion, the President made a few eloquent and eulogistic remarks in reference to the nominees for President and Vice President.
The Convention then, at seven o’clock and eighteen minutes adjourned with nine cheers for the ticket.
The ratification meeting this evening is an immense affair, the Wigwam which has all along been utterly unable to accommodate the crowd is again filled to its utmost capacity. In the procession Pennsylvania carried a banner on which was inscribed “the union of our party secures a certain triumph.” “Coal and iron production.”
A large number of the delegates and strangers are leaving to-night for their homes, but the crowd will wait till morning. G. W. F.