September/October 1860
From The Missouri Democrat, Thursday, September 27, 1860.
[For the Missouri Democrat.]
Among all the objects by which the attention of the people of this city is at present attracted, not the least worthy of such attention is the Nicholson pavement, which is now being laid upon Walnut street, in front of Barnum’s Hotel. It is made of oak blocks, 2½ inches thick by 6 inches long, set with their ends resting upon inch boards, which are laid on the ground. These lower boards are covered on both sides with tar, to prevent decay. They run lengthwise of the street. The blocks are laid, ends up, in rows across these boards, and consequently across the street. A space of about one inch in width is left between the rows of blocks, which is filled with a mixture of tar and gravel rammed down. The whole is finished by a coat of tar on top, over which gravel is freely sprinkled.
The effect is that the wood is protected from moisture, either from above or below. The gravel and sand of the top dressing becomes, by the rolling of carriages, pressed into the ends of the blocks, forming a crust harder than stone, and admirably adapted for travel, inasmuch as it is sufficiently smooth for noiseless traveling, and yet free from any danger of slipperiness.
This pavement has been tried in some other cities, and has worked admirably. It wears smoothly and uniformly, at the rate of about from 1/8 to ¼ of an inch per year, depending upon the travel.
Mr. S. S. Greeley, who owns the right for this city, is the contractor for the job now going forward here. He is doing the work remarkably well; laying nothing but the best timber, cutting out every particle of sap and other imperfection in the blocks. The part already laid by him has a very neat and substantial look, and certainly promises to do good service. Its cost is less than half that of iron.
The people of St. Louis are surely interested in this question of pavement, and it is the part of wisdom to give every experiment a fair trial, in order that the selection may be made that will meet satisfactorily the wants of the city. We advise all to pass around by Walnut street, and see for themselves.