September/October 1860
From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, October 19, 1860.
Lincoln’s Election Conceded.
The Election of Lincoln and Political Complexion of the Next Congress—Advice to the Financiers.
[From the New York Herald.]
There is no question of a doubt but that the recent election in Pennsylvania settles the Presidential question and place Abraham Lincoln in the Presidential chair. Our New York merchants and financiers may as well look this fact fairly and squarely in the face, for no other version can be placed upon the result in the Keystone State. The best thing that they can now do is to lock their money upon their vaults and keep it out of the hands of the politicians. The Republicans need no funds or speakers, and their opponents cannot change the result with the fortunes of a Rothschild. The jig is up; gentlemen, look at it as you will.
The only thing now left for the friends of the Constitution and the Union is to look after the Congressional districts, and secure a delegation in the lower House of Congress that will keep the Republican administration within bounds. Let New York do her duty in this respect, and Mr. Lincoln will find both branches of Congress composed of his political opponents. It will be seen from the returns from Pennsylvania and Ohio that the Republicans have already lost several Congressmen in those States. The delegation from the former State in the present Congress stands twenty straight Republicans, three Anti-Lecomptonites, who could be relied upon by the Republicans in any emergency, and two Democrats. The next delegation stands nineteen Republicans, with one district in doubt, and no Anti-Lecomptonites as aids, but five Democratic opponents. The delegation in the present Congress from Ohio stands fifteen Republicans and six Democrats. That State has returned only thirteen Republicans, and has elected eight instead of six Democratic members. Here we have a change of six, and perhaps seven, which gives the next Congress to the opponents of the Republicans.
There is likewise a prospect of a change in three or four districts in New England. Several of the leading Republicans in this State have already admitted that they should lose at least six members of Congress in New York. Let all those who have money to spend on elections use it in the Congressional contests, if at all, follow up the advantage already gained, instead of throwing it away on the Presidential contest, which has already been decided. This is the only practical thing left for the conservative voters.