October 1861
From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, October 22, 1861.
From Pilot Knob.
[Special Dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
PILOT KNOB, October 21.—We have news from Fredericktown up to noon to-day. The rebels left yesterday at two o’clock, going in the direction of Greenville. Their numbers are variously estimated at from two to eight thousand. They had four brass field pieces. Jeff. Thompson is in command.
Later reports state that the artillery discharges were heard to the right of the town. This lacks confirmation.
Nine hundred rebel cavalry camped ten miles south of this place last night, and several smaller squads were encamped in other directions.
An attack is not really expected here to-night, though Col. Boyd has made everything ready to repel one should it be made.
A train of three baggage wagons started for Fredericktown to-day, with commissary stores, but proceeding a short distance beyond Ironton were brought to a halt by the reported presence of a large body of rebel cavalry, who intended to capture it. A reconnaissance has shown that the road is clear, and the train has just moved forward, accompanied for a few miles by Quartermaster Miller and Col. Boyd.
The bridges on the railroad between this and Big River are in danger of being burned, and there are no troops here to send to protect them. Forty-seven suspected persons are here as prisoners. They work on the fortifications.