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The Star of the West “Hulled” Four Times.


January/February 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Saturday, January 12, 1861.



The Star of the West “Hulled” Four Times.


WASHINGTON, Jan. 11—A dispatch from Keitt, to secessionists, gives details of the firing into the Star of the West, and says that four balls struck the steamer’s hull. A portion of the dispatch was confidential to Southern Senators, but it is understood that it urges them to remain in their seats, to defeat objectionable legislation and the confirmation of McIntyre as Collector of the port of Charleston.

Senator Wigfall publicly declares the Palmetto flag will be able to defend Charleston until every gun of Fort Moultrie is dismounted.

Reliable authority says that the Star of the West will be sent to Charleston, unless the President changes his mind, with ample naval force to engage the several naval batteries while she runs in and lands her men and cargo.

It is estimated, in official circles, that the revenue cutter Harriet Lane, and the frigate Brooklyn, will both accompany her on her next effort.

Senator Pearce has yielded to outside pressure, and united in a request for convening the Legislature of Maryland. Governor Hicks still resists.

The disunion movement in Baltimore is headed by Custom House officers, who are the special friends of Mr. Thomas, Secretary of the Treasury.

Much remark is excited by the transfer of $800,000 in specie from the Sub Treasury in New York to this city without any sufficient reason being assigned. This unusual proceeding is not understood in financial circles, and pretended explanations are by no means satisfactory.

Last night Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Doubleday, wives of officers in Fort Sumpter, arrived by the Southern boat. It is stated that the Charleston people refused to harbor them in that city.

It is generally credited that Gen. Dix will be appointed Secretary of the Interior, if, indeed, the appointment is not already made.

The President is not disposed to select any Southern man. It is well understood that Senator Clay does not intend to call a meeting of the Committee on Commerce to sustain the appointment of McIntyre as Collector at Charleston.

The Senate Territorial Committee have authorized Senator Green to report a bill organizing the Territory of Pike’s Peak.

Senator Green has submitted the bill to Senator Seward for the purpose of getting his approval. There are two amendments to this bill which have not heretofore been incorporated in Territorial bills. One is guaranteeing rights of private property, the other prohibiting the Territorial Legislature from interfering with or legislating against private property. These amendments are supposed to be objectionable to Republicans, hence the bill has been submitted to Mr. Seward.


[New York Herald’s Correspondence.]

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10—The following dispatch has just been received here from Charleston, at 11 o’clock at night, too late to get an answer as requested:

“Is the Brooklyn ordered to Charleston? If so, you will hear to-morrow of a scene of blood unparalleled in a civilized country. If the President is in earnest, he can prevent it by a dispatch to the Governor or to Major Anderson through him. This will end all compromises if it goes in, and the best blood of the land will make a gulf time cannot heal. Let me hear from you at once.”



Gov. Pickens Sends a Flag of Truce to Washington.


NEW YORK, Jan. 11—A Washington dispatch to the Commercial says an earnest effort will be made in the Senate to order the investigation, through the Judiciary Committee, into the charge of a treasonable plot to establish a Southern confederacy, with its seat of government at Washington.

Mr. Trescott has come here with pacific overtures from Gov. Pickens, of South Carolina.

An angry interview is said to have taken place between Gen. Scott and Senator Toombs, in which the former used some plain and blunt language.

A dispatch to the Post says the U. S. steamer Fulton has sailed, with orders to see the Star of the West safe in the harbor of Charleston.


The Mississippi Secession Convention.

JACKSON, MISS., Jan. 11—Mr. Burt, Commissioner from South Carolina, is now speaking, while the lone star flag is suspended in the hall. The Convention occupied this morning in the discussion of unimportant local matters.

The Convention will probably adjourn to Vicksburg, on account of the Legislature wanting the Capitol.

Mr. Burt’s speech was warmly applauded.

The ordinance of secession provided that all the laws, regulations and contracts relative to the mail service shall be continued in full force.

The government has ordered the military to hold themselves in readiness to answer at a moment’s warning.

The churches are decorated with evergreens, the lone star being prominent.


Mr. Lincoln’s Cabinet.

NEW YORK, Jan. 10—The Tribune states as a fact, that Mr. Lincoln has tendered Henry Winter Davis, of Baltimore, a seat in his Cabinet.

The National Volunteers hold a meeting to-night for the purpose of practicing and extending their military organization. One of the resolutions adopted is as follows: “We will act, in the event of the withdrawal of Maryland and Virginia from the Union, in such manner as shall best secure ourselves and those States from the evils of a foreign and hostile government, within and near their borders.”