From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, February 5, 1861.
The Powhattan Ordered to Florida.
Fort Sumter said to be Reinforced.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4.—We have late and important news from the home squadron. On the 19th of January the Commander-in-Chief of the fleet received orders, through Col. Pickens, at Washington, to send immediately to Florida the U. S. steam frigate Powhattan, the Sabine, and the sailing corvette St. Louis. A sham boat battle was soon after improvised off Sacrificios, when the usual routing of action was gone through with.
A critical examination of the condition of the squadron demonstrated the fact that every ship was short of provisions, and that it would be madness to send them, probably on a hostile mission, in such a state. The impression prevailed extensively that the vessels would go to Havana for provisions, and obey the instructions of Mr. Toucey.
Serious disaffection existed among some of the officers of the Powhattan when her destination became known to them. The third and first Lieutenants and Purser immediately tendered their resignations, but the Captain, while conditionally accepting them, refused to allow their return to the steamer. The most intense excitement existed in the squadron, and it was found necessary to issue an order prohibiting all officers, sailors and marines from conveying political news or naval movements in their letters, as they would be opened and read.
The Times of Washington correspondence, intimates that Fort Sumter has been reinforced by the steamer Brooklyn, which landed upwards of 300 troops at the fort by means of row boats with muffled oars.
A rumor is current that Fort Sumter has been attacked. There have been no dispatches from Col. Anderson at the Department for three days.
It is said that the Virginia Commissioners to the border State Convention will offer the first thing to-morrow, a resolution deprecating force towards seceding States. If this is voted down the Southern States will secede.