March and April 1861
From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, April 19, 1861.
ST. LOUIS, April 18, 1861.
Brigadier General Frost:
SIR: My official position, as well as my military views of truth and devotion to the flag of the United States, make it my duty to tender you herewith my resignation, and to lay down the command entrusted to my hands. As an adopted citizen, as well as an officer of these United States, I have sworn obedience to the Constitution and the government of this country, and I never will be guilty of perjury.
You, General, have read as well as I have, the answer of our Commander-in-Chief, Governor Claiborne F. Jackson to the President of the United States, and you have been in Europe too long, sir, not to know how a European government would punish such an act of an officer placed as high as our Commander-in-Chief is. It is needless for me to expatiate on the meaning of the word treason, and I need not remind you that on the other side of the ocean a traitor is not even thought worthy to die by the hands of soldiers―by powder and ball.
General, one other reason concerns yourself. I cannot reconcile it with my ideas of military fealty and discipline, that a part of your command has hoisted another flag than the only true flag of these United States. Private persons may decorate themselves with this badge of treason, but a part of the militia of the State of Missouri, who have, the same as I and all my companions in arms, sworn fidelity and obedience to the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri, should not have dared to unfurl this signal of rebellion and treason.
For these reasons you will find my resignation natural, and I, an old soldier, who have already once in Mexico, fought under the glorious star-spangled banner, hereby tender you my resignation.
General, you will, however, always find me ready to respond to the call of the legitimate authorities, and to fight for the cause of my country and for liberty―to the bitter end.
I remain, yours respectfully,
Late Major of the Cavalry Batallion.