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Precautionary Measures for the Safety of the Capital

From The Missouri Democrat, Wednesday, April 10, 1861.

From Washington.

Precautionary Measures for the Safety of the Capital.


Sumter will be held by the Federal Government.



Major Anderson Ordered to Open his Batteries if the Fleet is Fired Upon.


[Correspondence of the New York Papers.]

WASHINGTON, April 8.—However much the reports of Southern designs on Washington may be discredited, it is asserted that officers, high in authority, are taking precautionary measures for the safety of the capital. The anxiety to hear from Sumter, and other Southern points, where conflicts are apprehended, is intense.

Mr. Alex. Duval has been appointed Collector of Richmond, Va.

The following appointments were made today: Mr. William L. Adams, Collector at Astoria, Oregon; Mr. Harrison B. Branch, of Missouri, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Central Superintendency at St. Louis.

NEW YORK, April 9.—A letter to the New York Times, from on board the Brooklyn, says the commander at Fort Taylor, at Key West, compelled the inhabitants to haul down the Confederate States flag, with the polite intimation that two different nationalities could not rule in the same place.

The rumor that the Brooklyn landed men at Fort Pickens, proves untrue. The Times’ correspondent reiterates that an attempt will be made to provision Sumter by an armed vessel. If the secessionists fire on her, they will initiate whatever trouble follows. Col. Sumner and Capt. Britton have been ordered to the Pacific.

The Herald’s correspondence says the government is determined to keep Anderson in Sumter and supply him with provisions forthwith. A portion of the fleet will reach Charleston to-day (Tuesday) for that purpose. There is no desire to put additional men in the fort. Unless resistance is offered to the attempt to furnish supplies, the fleet will not approach Charles[t]on with hostile intent, but the vessels go prepared to promptly reply to any resistance of a warlike character offered to a peaceful approach to the fort.

Capt. Talbot carried instructions to this effect to Anderson, with orders to open his batteries if the vessels are fired on. Recruiting is fast going on, and at least 50,000 volunteers will be offered from the free States in a few days. Gov. Dennison, of Ohio, pledges the support of his State to a vigorous policy, and returns home to execute his pledge.

The moment the President has official knowledge that any blow has been struck, he will issue a proclamation for an Extra Session of Congress.

From Charleston.


14,000 Troops Mustered in Sixty Minutes.

A Fleet of Seven Vessels off the Bar.



2,000 Indians Coming to the Rescue.

NEW YORK, April 9.—A special from Charleston to the Herald states that the authorities had received official notification that supplies will be furnished to Major Anderson at any hazard.

Immense preparations were immediately commenced.

Orders were issued for the entire military reserve to proceed to their stations.

Four regiments of 1,000 each have been telegraphed for from the country.

Ambalences [sic] and other preparations for wounded are being made.

At midnight seven guns from the citadel was the signal for the assembling of all the reserves, and the city was thrown into the greatest excitement.

Seventeen regiments, 800 strong, assembled in an hour, and left for the fortifications at three o’clock in the morning.

All the vessels in the harbor necessary for transportation will be put in service by noon.

Major Anderson displayed signal lights during the night from the walls of Sumter.

It is believed that the fight will commence at Stono, 25 miles southward, the batteries along the coast being silenced in turn, and after clearing Morris Island, the government forces will cross to Sumter, while Anderson engages Fort Moultrie.

Lieut. Talbot was denied admission to Sumter by the authorities.

R. S. Chew brought dispatches from Washington to Gov. Pickens, and in company with Lieut. Talbot, left for Washington at 11 o’clock last night.

A special dispatch to the Herald says that offers of volunteers from the border States continue to be sent to Montgomery, and tenders of 7,000 men and 2,000 Indian warriors have been received there from the West.

CHARLESTON, April 9.—It is estimated that 5,000 men are stationed on Sullivan and Morris Islands and the coast.