May 1861
From The Missouri Democrat, Thursday, May 2, 1861.
[Special Dispatch to Missouri Democrat.]
Only about forty or fifty members have arrived as yet. There will be no quorum in the morning in either house, in all probability. They will meet and adjourn to wait a quorum, which is expected to-morrow afternoon. The negligence or slowness of the members to attend, has thrown a damper on the friends of secession here. The cause of the Union will be strongly, earnestly, and eloquently maintained in the House, and no doubt is entertained but that the schemes of the secessionists will be defeated.’
There is a scheme on their part to go into secret session, and an effort will be made to carry it out.
The Governor’s message will be couched in very cautious and concealed terms. He will, as usual, recapitulate the so-called aggressions of the North upon the South; the latter’s patience and forbearance, and will denounce the policy of President Lincoln as made known in his proclamation after the attack on Sumter, as unconstitutional, tyrannical and illegal, and as tending towards a confederated federal military despotism, to subjugate and to oppress sovereign States. He will assert in plain terms, that the so called Southern Confederacy of Southern States, each and every one, in seceding, were justified by the laws of the United States Constitution and original compact, and the inalienable rights of sovereign States. He will set forth the grievances of Missouri in her relations to the federal Union, and her hitherto constant loyalty to that Union, and will not recommend immediate secession, but the full arming of the State, and an appropriation for that purpose. The legislature will be sounded, for extreme measures are proposed by him.
Allen P. Richardson, Esq., formerly State Register, and lately appointed Postmaster for Jefferson City, by President Lincoln, enters upon the duties of his office to-morrow. The appointment is deservedly popular, as he is a gentleman highly esteemed.
[Special Correspondence of the Missouri Democrat.]
JEFFERSON CITY, May 1, 1861.
But a very few members have as yet arrived at the Capital, though quite a number are expected in the course of the day. It is not probable that there will be a quorum of either House present on Thursday, and they may not organize before Monday next.
It is thought by many that an effort will be made to go into an election of new officers in the House, especially for the Speakership. It is contended that this will be strictly legal as at a former extra session this course was pursued, and an entire new set of officers were elected. The grounds on which the House acted at that time were these: That the regular session of the Legislature adjourned sine die, and that consequently the extra session was not an adjourned session, but had and held the same right to elect officers as the former one. The late session adjourned sine die. In case of the House going into an election the contest will be on the Speakership, and an effort will be made to elect a new Speaker in the place of Speaker McAfee. The result will depend on his popularity. In regard to the purport of the forthcoming message of Governor Jackson nothing is yet known positively, and only surmises are afloat. It is thought, however, that the Governor will not recommend immediate secession; that he has apparently somewhat moderated his views on that matter, but that he will recommend the passage of a military bill; the complete reorganization of the militia of the State; that they be placed on a complete war footing; the immediate arming of the State, and recommending appropriations for that purpose; also that he will make these recommendations for the ostensible object of placing Missouri in a position of armed neutrality.
How far these rumors are founded in truth I cannot say, but give them for what they are worth. The Governor is not the man to divulge or foreshadow his policy until the proper moment arrives for action upon it, at the present crisis.
J. P. Ament, Esq., the gentleman who was elected Public Printer at the late session, goes into office to-morrow. He has bought out both printing establishments here—Messrs. Chesney’s and Lusk’s.
The city is extremely dull and quiet, and one would suppose, to judge from general appearances, that no clouds of war were gathering around the great State of Missouri. But there is considerable undercurrent of sentiment. The Union men here stand firm and hopeful.
The Governor’s Guard are detailed on duty, guarding the powder lately brought up from St. Louis for the use of the State.
A new company of volunteers, I learn, is about being formed here, to be called the “Home Guard,” for the protection and defense of the city.
Much anxiety is felt here as elsewhere as to the action of the Governor and the extra session on federal relations, and until their policy is made known, the public mind will remain feverish and anxious. Suspense is far more wearing than actual danger. Along the line of railroad, in the towns, the flags of the Union still float in profuseness.
Representative Owens, of the town of Washington, has thrown to the breeze a splendid American flag from the top of his residence.