May 1861
From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, May 13, 1861.
The Events of Friday.
Further Details of the Affair at Camp Jackson.
A Fresh Outrage and Tragedy on Saturday.
Explanatory Correspondence.
St. Louis Arsenal has become a place of wonderful attraction of late, as everybody knows; but since the fall of Camp Jackson still greater interest surrounds that centre of Uncle Sam’s army in Missouri. Many are attracted there from motives of curiosity, such as used to call crowds of people together at a New York general muster; but something more than mere idle curiosity attaches to the place where is concentrated the hopes of loyalty and the defenses of life, liberty, and prosperity of the citizens of St. Louis. We need not stop to detail the events which preceded the surrender of General Frost’s command last Friday afternoon, or describe the military movements which resulted in that surrender. Suffice it to say, that the plan for the reduction of Camp Jackson was laid with great military precision, and executed with consummate skill and promptness—demonstrating the fact that secession had no mean enemy to contend against in St. Louis. The correspondence between Gen. Lyon and Gen. Frost, as printed elsewhere, will show the reader the grounds for the attack; and a description of what was captured, proved the correctness of Gen. Lyon’s position.
After the unconditional surrender of Gen. Frost, everything belonging to Camp Jackson was taken possession of by Gen. Lyon, and the prisoners and trophies of war were immediately moved to the Arsenal. The prisoners—some 1,100—were as comfortably cared for as circumstances, Friday night, would permit, and on Saturday evening, between five and six o’clock, were all but one released on parole of honor, by subscribing to the usual parole oath. The exception is Capt. Emmet McDonald, of the mounted riflemen, who would not take the oath, and is yet a prisoner at large inside of the Arsenal wall. Capt. McDonald showed the true grit of a soldier, and stated that if he took the oath he should be bound to respect it, and not take up arms against the United States, and he preferred to remain a prisoner “until he was exchanges”—rather significant—rather than be released on those terms. In this respect, his conduct contrasts very favorably with those who took the oath, we have too good reason to believe, with the intention of violating it.
The principal trophies of the victors of Camp Jackson were four large siege howitzers, two ten inch mortars, and a large number of ten inch shells, ready charged; besides a large number of United States muskets, said to be some 5,000 of them. These were the arms sent here from the South, and supposed to be a portion of those stolen from the Baton Rouge arsenal in Louisiana. They were sent here in boxes, and marked MARBLE, TAMAROA, Ill. C. R. R., care of Greeley & Gale, St. Louis. They were brought to this place by steamer J. C. Swon, and when taken, the address of the parties to whom they were sent was carefully scratched off. These are the stolen implements of death which the concerted rebels of the Southern Confederacy and Missouri are smuggling into this State to maintain and “armed neutrality.” Is any further evidence wanting to prove the complicity of Camp Jackson with the treason of the South? Who cannot see that in a few days more that camp would have been in a condition to have besieged the loyal city of St. Louis, and under a threat of bombardment, would have forced the people to vote for secession when the day came? But by the prompt action of General Lyon and his command, we are saved the humiliation and unutterable degradation of being plunge into the vortex of an unholy rebellion. As things now stand, and the preparation already made to defend the Union men of the State, we have little fears of a successful secession of Missouri, by all the combined powers of treason that Claib. Jackson and Jeff Davis can bring to bear. The St. Louis Arsenal, and the brave and loyal thousands that cluster about it, is the salvation of Missouri.
Since the exciting events of Friday, the predominant sentiment in the city has been one of intense and pervading sorrow, in view of the slaughter at Lindell’s Grove. An attempt was on Friday night made to create and inflame a reckless mob, and send it to perpetrate incalculable outrages upon property and persons. The attempt was made by men whose position and character should have led them to assuage, rather than fan to combustion the inevitable irritations of the hour. Some of these men were not only excited by the tragedy of the day, over which every man could shed bitter tears, but were further removed from their mental self possession by inebriating draughts. When, however, the mad spirit of their addresses was about producing its legitimate fruit in atrocious riot, they declined to lead in accomplishing the destruction they had wickedly invoked, and prudently sought to allay the demon they had aroused. The energy of the Mayor and Police authorities, and the promptness and determination of the well-drilled military police, saved the city from indelible disgrace. The streets were cleared, and by midnight profound quiet reigned in every quarter. A deluging rain storm contributed opportunity to this desirable result. At the same time it must be remarked, to the credit of the masses of our fellow citizens, that those disposed to deeds of unprovoked malice were few, composed principally of the lowest and worst elements of our population, while the minds of the people were less inflamed by anger than oppressed by sadness. The remaining hours until Saturday morning passed in peace.
About half past four o’clock Saturday morning, in a drenching rain, a military detachment of some four hundred men marched up Fifth street and Broadway to the North Missouri Railroad depot, to attend the arrival of the train. The object was, as we are informed, to take possession of any hostile troops that might arrive. None came, and the detachment returned at about half past five to its quarters.
As the population rose, absorbed with the events of the preceding evening, the rush for the morning papers was unprecedented, and the published narratives of Friday’s incidents and disaster were perused, reperused, and read aloud to clustering groups with the greatest eagerness. Business was almost utterly forgotten. Stores were opened tardily and mechanically—from the force of habit, merely—while scarcely anything was done except to discuss the topics occupying all minds. The utmost seriousness everywhere prevailed, remarks being exchanged with a sadness and solemnity for which expression was evidently inadequate.
The grand theme was the slaughter of some twenty persons, among them a woman and two lads, near the northern gateway at Camp Jackson. The facts, the actual facts in the case, were the subject of much inquiry and discussion. The accounts of eye-witnesses appeared as various and conflicting as the political sympathies of the relators. Some were found to aver that no insult was given the troops, no missiles thrown at them, no firearms discharged against them, when they fired upon an unarmed crowd of men, women and children. Others admitted that verbal insults were given, but denied that further demonstrations were made against the soldiers. Still others agreed in admitting that both verbal insults and rocks were hurled against the lines, but denied that there was any firing done until that done by the troops. Again, scores were found who declared that pistols were discharged upon the troops, as well as rocks and other missiles thrown, and indescribable insults given them before they fired. From a knowledge of human nature, one is bound to presume that troops would not fire upon a crowd without great provocation. Remembering the nature of the case, that the regiments had taken Camp Jackson, that the troops in question were German citizens and as such the subjects of an intense and unreasoning prejudice, and that the crowd both sympathized largely with the captured soldiers and participated strongly in the prejudice against “the Dutch,” one is forced to admit, a priori, that the provocation was probably very great. Testimony can, however, be adduced, and will be published, of such a nature, as to set the question forever at rest, showing beyond the possibility of a doubt that the grossest insults, an attack with rocks and an assault with revolvers were inflicted upon the troops before they fired.
The Coroner’s jury of inquest was engaged on Saturday and yesterday and will be busied to-day, in investigating intimately the history of the affair. The Coroner and jury desire, for a reason we do not appreciate, that the testimony given shall remain unpublished until the verdict is rendered, or until the examination is completed. To us it appears that the publication of the testimony would only serve to call out additional testimony by which present conflicting statements would be harmonized, and the whole truth be with more certainty obtained. We cannot credit the rumor that the jury is a packed one, composed substantially of men of one political stripe, but believe the jury are eager to hear all the witnesses who can swear to facts in the case. Therefore, we say, let the examination be both exhaustive and public, that every man may contradict and correct if he can, and that the facts may stand absolutely incontrovertible.
Gentlemen, in whose honor and veracity we have entire confidence, and who were spectators of the tragical affair at Camp Jackson, assure us that our statement of it [illegible] correct [illegible] harrowing and outrageous insults that were heaped, with the most diabolical malice, upon the United States troops, and which, together with the hurling of dirt and stones, was long borne by them with a forbearance that seemed like abjectness itself. Fists were shaken in their faces, they were spit upon, caught hold of and jerked from the ranks, and this in addition to verbal taunts most shameful, and lingual abuse too shocking for repetition. The throwing of rocks was only a further step in that desperate work of irritation which was crowned by actually firing into the troops.
Elsewhere will be found the facts thus far elicited by Capt. Lyon’s investigation of the affair, substantially corroborating the statement we have given.
In a matter of so grave moment, it is indispensable to remember, as the commonest and most necessary rule of evidence, that what one witness did not see is no contradiction of what another did see. This rule is only applicable with the strongest emphasis, when witnesses of varying sympathies speak of what, at different positions, they saw amid a swiftly shifting scene of great confusion and the wildest excitement.
Up to last evening, the coroner had held inquest upon eighteen of those slain at Camp Jackson. Four more remained as the subjects of inquest—making the total number of the dead to be twenty-two. Besides these, there are four of the wounded whose injuries are deemed mortal.
The following is as complete a list of the deceased referred to as we are able to present:
- John Sweikhardt, laborer, who resided on Fifteenth street, between Wash and Carr.
- Casper H. Glencoe.
- John Waters. The ball entered one side of his neck, passed around and grazed the vertebral column.
- Thomas A. Haren, a young man, tinman, employed by Messrs. Sweeney & Schneider, corner of Main and Cherry streets.
- William Eisenhardt, twenty-two years of age, member of Captain McDonald’s corps of Mounted Riflemen, lately from the Southwest border. He was son of Mr. Andrew Eisenhardt, resident on Sixth street, between Olive and Pine. He expired almost immediately, a shot having passed diagonally through him from breast to side. The remains were buried on Saturday afternoon, in Wesleyan Cemetery.
- J. J. Jones, of Portage county, Ohio.
- P. Doane, member of the First Company, Southwest Battalion.
- Eric Wright, of the firm of Allen & Wright, carpenters.
- Henry Jungie, a gardener, who resided on the corner of Market street and Grand avenue.
- James McDonald, seventeen years of age, who lived on Olive street, between Seventh and Eighth. He was the brother of Thomas McDonald, and driver of baggage wagon No. 74.
- Walter McDowell, shot in the temple, and died instantly. Residence on Elizabeth street.
- Nicholas Knoblock, of the Southwest Battalion. His family live in Pittsburg, Pa.
- Francis Wheelan, a quarryman, forty-six years of age. He has a wife and two children living on Fourteenth street.
- ———- ————–, fourteen years of age. He has sound teeth, gray eyes, black heavy cashmere roundabout, brass buttons, check cotton undershirt, red spotted muslin overshirt, and fine but much worn gaiter shoes. He was shot in the abdomen.
- Jacob Carter, died of his injuries at 1 P. M. Saturday. He had $268 in $20 gold pieces sewed in the lining of his shirt.
- Charles Bodsen, late bar-tender at Barnum’s Hotel saloon. He was shot in the head.
- Emma Somers, a girl of fourteen years, was shot in the breast, and expired within fifteen minutes. She was the beloved daughter of Henry Somers, engineer of the steamer J.C. Swon. Cruel fate!
- Mrs. McAuliff.
Among the wounded are the following:
Dr. Ropke, whose jaw was dreadfully shattered by a Minie ball; residence corner of Eleventh and Madison streets. Dr. Ropke had been rendering medical assistance to Gen. Lyon, who had been accidentally kicked in the thigh by the restive horse of a staff officer.
John Jas. Scherer, grocer on Franklin avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, badly shot in the right foot.
John Rice, a well known citizen, was shot while on horseback. His arm was shattered and his side badly lacerated. The ball passed into the horse, which fell and soon died.
Frederick D. Allen, living on Spruce street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, received wounds that were thought fatal.
Thomas Meek, eighteen years of age, clerk, son of Constable Wm. Meek, received a slug shot in the left knee; resides on Eighteenth street, between Carr and Biddle streets.
Jerome Downey, aged eighteen, a clerk, was shot in the right leg above the knee. Lives on O’Fallon, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets.
A gentleman, stopping at the southwest corner of Carr and Fifth streets, whose family is in Philadelphia, and who wishes not to alarm them by the publication of his name in this connection, received a ball in the leg. Dr. Pope successfully extracted it, and the patient is doing well.
A lad of thirteen years, son of Mr. B. M. Bradford, living near the corner of Eleventh and St. Charles streets, was shot in the left thigh. He is pronounced out of danger.
W. L. Carroll, resident on Tenth street, near Madison, was shot in the hip.
John Matthews, conductor on an Olive street car, was severely wounded.
Also, Mr. C. Wilson, living on Fourteenth street, near the Pacific Railroad, and Mr. J. Chapman.
Several of the dead bodies remain as yet unidentified.
Many persons were wounded whose names are not learned, but the more serious cases are undoubtedly all given above.
In corroboration of the statements we have given relative to the unhappy affair at Lindell’s Grove, we append the following:
Statement of Henry Kline, an Eye-Witness to the Tragedy at Lindell’s Grove.
After all of the prisoners were out of the camp, and standing on Olive street road, there was a party of some two hundred to three hundred people that cursed and insulted the United States troops in the grossest manner. One of the crowd suggested to attack the soldiers, then standing still. Another suggested that he was willing and ready to lay five of them, and probably more, and by that exhibiting a Colt’s five-shooter and bowie knives. Others did the same thing, and those that had no weapons exhibited their pockets, how they were filled with rocks. They all joined to commence the attack, when the one that had the pistol and knife out fired the ball at one of the soldiers, and laid him. Another individual fired his revolver almost at the same moment at another soldier that had no gun (he was the surgeon, Dr. Roepke), and he fled, when the second ball of the first hit the Captain of the company. The other side of the Olive road also fired pretty often at the soldiers, when the captain commanded “fire!” while lying on the ground. I then fled for my life.
Following is the important correspondence between Gen. Lyon, Commandant at the U.S. Arsenal, and Gen. Frost, of Camp Jackson. How absolutely the positions taken by Commandant Lyon, on the part of the American government, and substantiated by the U.S. guns stolen at Baton Rouge and recovered at Camp Jackson, is shown elsewhere in our columns:
Capt. N. Lyon, Commanding United States Troops in and about St. Louis Arsenal:
SIR—I am constantly in receipt of information that you contemplate an attack upon my camp, whilst I understand that you are impressed with the idea that an attack upon the Arsenal and United States troops is intended on the part of the militia of Missouri. I am greatly at a loss to know what could justify you in attacking citizens of the United States who are in the lawful performance of duties devolving upon them under the Constitution in organizing and instructing the militia of the State in obedience to her laws and therefore have been disposed to doubt the correctness of the information I have received.
I would be glad to know from you personally whether there is any truth in the statements that are constantly poured into my ears. So far as regards any hostility being intended towards the United States, or its property or representatives, by any portion of my command, or as far as I can learn, (and I think I am fully informed,) of any other part of the State forces, I can say positively that the idea has never been entertained. On the contrary, prior to your taking command of the Arsenal, I proffered to Maj. Bell, then in command of the very few troops constituting its guard, the services of myself and all my command, and, if necessary, the whole power of the State to protect the United States in the full possession of all her property. Upon General Harney’s taking command of this Department, I made the same proffer of services to him, and to communicate the fact that such had been done to the War Department. I have had no occasion since to change any of the views I entertained at that time, neither of my own volition nor through orders of my constitutional commander.
I trust that after this explicit statement we may be able, by fully understanding each other, to keep far from our borders the misfortunes which so unhappily afflict our common country.
This communication will be handed to you by Colonel Bowen, my Chief of Staff, who will be able to explain anything not fully set forth in the foregoing.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your ob’t servant,
Brigadier General D. M. FROST,
Commanding Camp Jackson, M. V. M.
ST. LOUIS, MO., May 10, 1861.
Gen. D. M. Frost, Commanding Camp Jackson:
SIR—Your command is regarded as evidently hostile to the government of the United States.
It is, for the most part, made up of those secessionists who have openly avowed their hostility to the general government, and have been plotting at the seizure of its property and the overthrow of its authority. You are openly in communication with the so-called Southern Confederacy, which is now at war with the United States, and you are receiving at your camp, from said Confederacy, and under its flag, large supplies of the material of war, most of which is known to be the property of the United States. Three extraordinary preparations plainly indicate none other than the well known purpose of the Governor of this State, under whose orders you are acting, and whose purpose, recently communicated to the Legislature, has just been responded to by that body in the most unparalleled legislation, having in direct view hostilities to the general government, and co-operation with its enemies.
In view of these considerations, and of your failure to disperse in obedience to the proclamation of the President, and of the eminent necessities of State policy and welfare, and the obligations imposed upon me by instructions from Washington, it is my duty to demand, and I do hereby demand of you, and immediate surrender of your command, with no other conditions than that all persons surrendering under this demand shall be humanely and kindly treated. Believing myself prepared to enforce this demand, one-half hour’s time, before doing so, will be allowed for your compliance therewith.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
N. LYON, Capt. Second Infantry,
Commanding Troops.
After a hurried consultation with his officers, General Frost sent General Lyon the following reply:
CAMP JACKSON, MO., May 10, 1861.
Capt. N. Lyon, Commanding U.S. Troops:
SIR: I never for a moment conceived the idea that so illegal and unconstitutional a demand as I have received from you would be made by any officer of the United States army. I am wholly unprepared to defend my command from this unwarranted attack, and shall therefore be forced to comply with your demand.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier General, Commanding Camp Jackson, M. V. M.
The City on Saturday.
Saturday morning the Mayor issued the following salutary
May 11th. 1861.
In view of the prevailing excitement, and for the purpose of removing as far as possible all causes of additional irritation, and of maintaining the public peace, I, Daniel G. Taylor, Mayor of the city of St. Louis, hereby respectfully request all owners and keepers of bars, drinking shops, beer houses, and other places were intoxicating liquors are sold, to close the same forthwith, and keep them closed during the continuance of the present excitement.
I also, by virtue of the power in me vested by act of the Legislature, require all minors to keep within doors three days next succeeding the issuing of this proclamation. I also request of all good citizens to remain within doors after nightfall, as far as practicable, and to avoid all tumultuous gatherings and meetings.
Relying upon the loyalty and good judgment of his fellow citizens, the undersigned confidently expects a cordial compliance with these requests.
Attest: WM. S. CUDDY, City Register.
The effect of the above, in closing the various saloons, was and is of invaluable benefit, and on Saturday heighted perceptibly the sober and quiet aspect of the city.
Excited throngs gathered, however, in the vicinity of Chestnut and Fourth streets, of Turners’ Hall, and of Bechtner’s, on Fifth street. The appearance of an U. S. soldier unguarded in the street, was the occasion for an attack and much consequent excitement. At Bechtner’s, the quarters of Col. Brown’s regiment, a patrol guard was placed upon the sidewalk, to prevent it from being obstructed by a crowd. Late in the day, the street being clear, the guard was withdrawn.
At 2½ P. M., a funeral procession, in which the American flag was borne, and which consisted largely of the German Benevolent Association in regalia, attracted much attention. Many supposed it to be the funeral of some one of the slain at Camp Jackson. On inquiry we learned that the deceased—Stephen Baumann—expired from chronic illness, at his residence, No. 52 Morgan street. He was thirty years of age, and was buried at Bellefontaine.
At half-past five, considerable excitement was occasioned in the vicinity of Fifth and Biddle streets by the loud report of a very heavily charged musket, by some person who fired into the air, at the junction of the streets named. The idea for a time prevailed that some one was shot. The man who fired immediately disappeared, and was sought for by several policemen in vain.
Another Dreadful Shooting Affray.
Wholly to the recklessness and folly of some six or eight young men, whose conduct we personally observed, must be attributed the dreadful slaughter which occurred Saturday evening at Fifth and Walnut streets.
We were passing up on the west side of Fifth street, at Elm, when our attention was arrested by seeing persons on Fourth street gazing up the street and others on Walnut street looking towards Fourth. We were about crossing to Fourth when the cry of “Here they come,” from persons on Walnut. The advance of a body of U.S. Reserve Guards soon appeared, marching up Walnut from Fourth. At the same time a small crowd rushed ahead of the troops, and ran upon the stone porch of the Presbyterian church at the northwest corner of Fifth and Walnut streets. As the head of the column approached, passing not far from the pavement on the church side, and going towards Sixth street, those young men on the church porch gathered upon its southern extremity, overlooking the troops, and began to do the utmost of which they were capable in the way of insulting, goading, harrowing, and heaping disgraceful reproaches upon the troops. Others rapidly joined these young men, and aided them in yelling, frightfully cursing, hooting, screeching, groaning, shaking fists, and uttering the most infamous and obscene language of contempt, in insult to the troops. Company after company of the latter passed quietly along, almost immediately beneath the derisive throng, some of whom tried hard to spit into the faces of the soldiers, and others of whom threw small missiles at them, while the most continued, with increasing zeal, the almost deafening yells of blasphemous execration and foulest contumely. The column marched in fours, and proved a regiment from the Ninth and Tenth Wards, who were returning from the Arsenal, where they had just been sworn into the service of the American government, and had been provided with muskets as United States Reserve Guards. They bore the obloquy and insult piled upon them with calmness and forbearance. Meantime, where were the police, that so outrageous and imminently perilous a scene of dastardly disturbance was permitted to proceed unchecked, and to be consummated by acts of assassination? We looked and waited anxiously for the police, who might readily have arrested the few leaders in this monstrous outrage, and thus have prevented much trouble.
When the rear of the troops approached, to receive their worse portion of abuse, it was evident that the malignants on the porch could venture upon still harsher outrages. Scarce had the rear passed out of Fifth street, when a portion of the mob rushed down the steps and hurled rocks into the retiring column, while two shots were discharged into the troops, one from the porch and one from Fifth street. The rear file of the troops at once turned and fired into their assailants, who fled and scattered, some of them still firing back. Soon there was a pause in the firing of the troops, and spectators gained courage to look up the street. But others fired again upon the soldiers from whom a volley was then returned. The firing continued at quick intervals, persons newly arrived drew and fired after the troops, whose volleys answered sharply, creating immense excitement and a grand rush of citizens in the vicinity.
Subsequently, we learned that the firing was resumed near the head of the line on Eighth street, and continued at various points in the vicinity, the troops unfortunately falling into disorder and firing from the alleys.
Seven men, four of them belonging to the company thus atrociously insulted and murderously fired upon, were killed. It avails little to say that they were slain in the confusion by the Minie balls of their own comrades.
A revolver was discharged upon the troops, from an upper window on the south side of Walnut, between Fifth and Sixth streets. A horse was also killed by a rifle ball. The walls of the church, and of houses in the vicinity were frequently struck by bullets, showing that the volleys were, to at least a considerable extent, directed upwards. Were it not that this was the fact, the list of the slain must have been much larger.
The bodies of the dead were picked up and removed, and the inquest was yesterday held at the shop of Mr. J. A. Smithers, undertaker, on Chestnut near Fifth street, who generously proffered a room for the purpose.
The names, &c., of the men thus sacrificed, are as follows:
- William Huhlinhost, a German cabinet maker, of the Tenth Ward, and a member of the U. S. Reserve Guard. He was shot in the right side of the head with a Minie ball.
- Conrad Lappe, a German, collector for a singing society in North St. Louis, and also a member of the U. S. Reserve Guard. He was struck in the left temple with a Minie ball.
- A man whose name is unknown, who was at first erroneously supposed to be Mr. McCann, stabler at Sixteenth and Market streets, He also was one of the Reserve Guards.
- John Dicks, a civilian, who resided in Cooper, near High street, in Gamble’s addition. A rifle ball pierced his head. He was single, and in the employment of Geo. Read & Co., hide dealers.
- William Cody, a book peddler, well known in the city, and recently arrived from New Orleans. He also was shot through the head by a Minie rifle.
- Bernard Miller, of the U. S. Reserve Guard, a single man, resident in the Tenth Ward, a cooper. A bullet passed through his neck.
- Jacob Lawrence Niederhanter, aged twenty-four years, a wine dealer, on Walnut between Fourth and Fifth streets. He was a single man, and a member of no military company.
The verdict of the Coroner’s jury in the case above had not yet transpired.
Below are communications from eye-witnesses, descriptive of what they saw of the tragedy in the vicinity of Fifth and Walnut streets.
Statement of a Private in Company D.
During the march of the Home Guard from the Arsenal Saturday evening, our regiment met with no hostile demonstration until we filed up Walnut to Sixth street. At the corner of Third and Walnut we were greeted with a host of epithets from a knot of vindictive looking men. A well known citizen in front of Thornton’s livery stable, from whom ought to have been expected better sentiments, was vituperative and bitter with his threats against the whole regiment. At the corner of Walnut and Fifth the steps of the Second Presbyterian church were filled with a knot of reckless men and boys, shouting for Jeff. Davis and daring the platoons to fire upon them; and at this point an old grey-headed man approached one of the guard, and shaking his fist insultingly in his face, declared the Union men were “white livered cowards,” and other vile epithets not necessary to name. Meantime the guards were firm in their step and march, strictly obeying orders to pay no attention to insults, and on no condition to make any retaliating demonstration unless by the express orders of their commanding officer. No regulars in the service considering the insults that had been showered upon them, could have obeyed their command more strictly. But when in the vicinity of Walnut street some thirty shots were fired from a frame building, as can be fully proved by spectators, and a musician and two or three of the guard were shot down on the street. The command was given to wheel about and fire, which was obeyed. Some of the company who happened to be in the vicinity of the dwelling from which the shots were fired obeyed the command—some aiming at the enemy and probably others firing promiscuously. But if innocent persons are killed, where are the police that they do no arrest those who gave the assault and are the aggressors?
Shall men be permitted to stalk at large, insulting American citizens who are willing to lay down their lives for the stability of their country, and swaggering traitors be permitted to shoot them down, skulking behind alleys and brick walls, without one word being said in justification of avenging the insult.
Statement of Mr. George Brewster.
Editors Missouri Democrat:
Having been an eye witness of the collision at the corner of Walnut and Fifth streets, on Saturday, between a mob of rowdies and the Federal forces, and having seen a disposition in some quarters to misrepresent the facts, I hereby volunteer a statement.
I was at the corner of Fifth and Walnut streets, opposite the church, when the head of the column of troops reached that point. A mob of some two hundred occupied the steps and portico, in front of the church opposite. As soon as the head of the column reached the corner, this crowd sent up a howl of jeers as bitter as ever emanated from a heart of enmity. No notice was taken of it by the soldiers. I heard their officers charge them to disregard the insults. As the column proceeded, the furor of the assailants increased, and the foulest epithets were poured upon the undisturbed and quiet column. One person, whom I could identify, if I should see him, seemed to be the leader of the gang, and the instigator of the outrageous insults. His object seemed to be to draw, if possible, the fire of the troops, but was foiled in his object.
After the entire column had passed, and the rear was about twenty feet beyond the portico of the church, this leader, dressed in light clothes, fired a revolver, in quick succession, at the troops, and several more standing around him did the same. Finally, two of the soldiers fell dead, when the rear of the column turned and fired at the mob. But the moment they turned and leveled their pieces the assailants dodged behind the stone breastworks and pillars of the church, to escape the fire. But the moment the soldiers turned their backs to proceed, the assailants sprung from their hiding places and fired again.
Soon after the jeering commenced, foreseeing the tragic end of the riotous demonstration, I loudly exclaimed, “Where are the police? Why do they not take that villain into custody?” pointing at the same time to the leader of the gang. For this indignant expression I was marked, and when the firing commenced, a shot was reserved for me, as, by the angle it made, as it ploughed the pavement by my left foot, it must have been fired from the steps of the church. With a full sense of “the responsibility I take,” I give these facts over my own signature.