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Gen. Harney’s Position.


May 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, May 13, 1861.


Great efforts have been made in various quarters to convey the impression that Gen. Harney disapproves of the action of Gen. Lyon in reference to the capture of Camp Jackson. A bulletin was issued from the Republican office on Saturday afternoon to this effect, and it was common talk all over the city, the secessionists deriving special comfort from the circumstance.

We are desired to state this morning, by authority, that Gen. Harney approves in every particular of the proceedings of Gen. Lyon against Camp Jackson, and compliments that officer upon the very prompt and admirable manner in which he executed the orders entrusted to him by the government.

Gen. Harney’s proclamation was published in the streets yesterday evening and appears in our paper this morning. He says the public peace “must be preserved.” The emphasis laid upon these words means nothing more nor less than that upon the recurrence of any further mob violence against the troops in the service of the United States, or against the lives or property of individual citizens, he will place the city under martial law. His regulars are not co-operating with the city authorities. It is to be hoped that the occasion will not arise when they will be called upon to act independently of them. Gen. Harney will do his duty in any event.