May 1861
From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, May 13, 1861.
The first firing was some half-dozen shots near the head of the column composed of the First Regiment, which was guarding the prisoners. It occurred in this wise: The Artillery were stationed on the bluff northeast of Camp Jackson, with their pieces bearing on the camp. The men of this command were most insultingly treated by the mob with the foulest epithets, were pushed, struck, and pelted with stones and dirt. All this was patiently borne until one of the mob discharged a revolver at the men. At this they fired, but not more than six shots, which were sufficient to disperse that portion of the mob. How many wer killed by this fire is not known. None of the First Regiment (Col. Blair’s) fired, although continually and shamefully abused by both prisoners and the mob.
The second and most destructive firing was from the rear of the column guarding the prisoners.
The mob at the point intervening between Camp Jackson and the rear of the column, and in fact on all sides, were very abusive, and one of them on being expostulated with, became very belligerent, drew his revolver, and fired at Lieut. Saxton, of the regular army, three times, during which a crowd around him cheered him on, many of them drawing their revolvers and firing at the United States troops. The man who commenced the firing, preparatory to a fourth shot laid his pistol across his arm and was taking deliberate aim at Lieut. Saxton, when he was thrust through with a bayonet and fired upon at the same time, being killed instantly. Here the columns of troops having received the order to march, Lieut. Saxton’s command passed on, and a company in his rear became the objects of a furious attack from the mob. After several of them were shot, they came to a halt and fired, with fatal effect. The mob in retreating from both sides of the line returned the fire and the troops replied again. The command was then given by Gen. Lyon to cease firing, and his order was promptly obeyed as rapidly as it could be passed along the line.
The sad results are much to be lamented. The killing of innocent men, women and children is deplorable. There was no intention to fire upon peaceable citizens. The regular troops were over in the camp, beyond the mob, and in range of the firing. The troops manifested every forbearance and at last discharged their guns, simply obeying the impulse, natural to us all, of self-defense. If innocent men, women and children, whose curiosity placed them in a dangerous position, suffered with the guilty, it is no fault of the troops.
Authorized by N. LYON.