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Who was Turner anyway?

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Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

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The Removals from the City—The Cause.


May 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, May 14, 1861.


The panic and exodus from our city which began on Saturday and was resumed with increased activity on Sunday was, we regret to say, continued yesterday. Hundreds, we fear thousands, of men, women and children, and scores of wagon loads of household furniture left yesterday. Every train and boat leaving the city was thronged with passengers. This movement springs principally from the timidity of the weaker and too imaginative portion of the community, who, unhappily, are by no means limited to the “weaker sex,” so called. It is also largely attributable to the awfully wicked misrepresentations that have been gravely and harrowingly set forth as facts, for the sake of a selfish partisan purpose, and in violation of the most sacred obligations that can ever rest upon public journalists. We confess that we are astonished, amazed, utterly amazed, in view of the conduct pursued by a large portion of the city press, while presenting or pretending to present to the public the events of the last few days. Facts of the weightiest moment, and most absolutely undeniable, patent to every inquirer, are designedly and persistently kept out of sight, or brazenly denied by the Republican, the Herald, and the State Journal, in their rendering of the events of last Friday and Saturday. These misrepresentations produce their designed effect in the deep exacerbation of the public mind, and the fanning of already intense hatred to a white heat. If the people will not open their eyes to the conspicuous fact that a concerted and diabolical attempt is making in some quarters under subtle pretences of moderation, to precipitate them into a whirlpool of assassination, the worst results will undoubtedly ensue.

But if the people will calmly scrutinize and admit the plain facts in relation to the tragedy at Camp Jackson, and that at Fifth and Walnut streets, they will see that these results have been produced by the desperate recklessness of a few passionate persons, mostly young men, who can easily be taken care of, and the public peace and security thus preserved.