November/December 1861
From The Missouri Democrat, Saturday, December 7, 1861.
THE TABLEAUX VIVANTS—A GRAND ATTRACTION.—A grand expectation has long been on tiptoe relative to the Tableaux Vivants in elaborate preparation by the zealous members of the Ladies’ Union Aid Society. It is scarcely too much to say that the general anticipation was sanguine in the extreme, and yet is more than realized. The exhibition last evening was an extraordinary success. The vast upper hall of the Mercantile Library building was densely crowded with spectators. The stage arrangements were in excellent taste, presenting a glorious display of American ensigns, the Bird of Freedom, and the busts of Washington and Jackson. The music charmed all ears. The tableaux were indescribably impressive and beautiful, and held the immense audience spell bound. The parts were taken, principally, by young ladies, some forty in number, and were given with a spirit and appropriateness entitling them to high praise. Promising that for this evening the programme will be changed, we append that of last evening, as the best mode of intimating to those who were not present the variety and richness of the entertainment:
1.—Three Graces and Nine Muses
The Graces are in the center, with the Muses representing the Arts and Sciences, holding their various emblems, grouped around.
2.—Florence Nightengale.
The Heroine of the Crimean War is represented in the act of writing a letter from the dictation of a wounded soldier.
3.—The Sorceress.
The Sorceress is represented pointing to her Magic Mirror, in which is seen an incident yet to happen in the life of a Knight Templar, who kneels at her side.
4.—The Spirit of ’76.
A Revolutionary Sire is represented in the act of giving his son a musket, who at the same time, is receiving a bible from his mother; his comrade is calling him to join his company.
5.—Queen Catherine.
From Shakespeare’s Henry VIII. The Queen is conversing with two Cardinals, to whom she says: “There sits One, whom no king can judge.”
6.—Moll Pitcher.
This celebrated Heroine is represented in the act of loading a cannon, having taken the place of her husband who has been killed at his post.
Washington, attended by Fame and Justice.
8.—The Seasons.
An allegorical tableau, representing the four seasons.
9.—Hiawatha and His Bride.
From Longfellow’s poem Hiawatha is in the act of leading his bride, Minnehaha, to his forest home.
10.—Fast Colors.
An old aunty is trying to wash out the Stars and Stripes at the instigation of her master, to whom she says: “Dese colors ’ll never fade, masses.”
11.—Soldier’s Dream.
A sleeping soldier is dreaming of one, who, in his absence, has passed to the spirit world.
12.—Grand Finale.
The thirty-four States are personified and accompanied by the Goddess of Liberty and Columbia.