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Who was Turner anyway?

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A Turner Bugler, 2004

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General Grant.


November/December 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Thursday, December 12, 1861.

GENERAL GRANT.β€”It is reported, we know not how correctly, that General Grant, the able and accomplished officer in command at Cairo, is to be removed from the head of his present division. If the report is correct, we take it for granted that General Halleck has what he deems a more important post for General Grant to fill; but we think he should first be very clear on this point, for certain it is that General Grant, to say nothing of the vigor and success with which he administered the affairs of his division, is the special dread of the rebels at Columbus and thereabouts, who openly confess their high sense of his ability and prowess. We ourselves have seen this confession in the rebel journals, and expressed, too, in no stinted terms.

Undoubtedly the transfer of General Grant to some other command would be a source of considerable relief to the rebels in their own estimation. Nevertheless, this transfer may be judicious. If it is made, we shall not doubt its judiciousness.β€”Louisville Journal.