March/April 1862
From The Missouri Democrat, Wednesday, March 5, 1862.
No Fight at Murfreesboro—Decatur, Ala., the Probably Battle Ground—Thorough Demoralization of the Rebels—The Panic and Flight—Appearance of Nashville—Good Behavior of Our Troops—The Post Office to be Opened—Forty Applications for Clerkships.
[Special Dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 27, VIA CAIRO, March 4—General Grant and Staff arrived here from Fort Donelson this morning, for the purpose of consulting with General Buell. He returns this afternoon.
The rebels have gone beyond Murfreesboro, and it is now thought will not make a stand this side of the southern borders of the State.
Some state that Chattanooga has been selected for the battle ground; others say that the forces of Johnson and Beauregard will be concentrated at Decatur, Alabama, on the Tennessee river, just above Muscle Shoals—the latter is more likely.
The demoralization of the Southern army is complete. The general impression here is that the confederacy bubble is about exploded, and that one more defeat will complete its destruction.
There is a general feeling of indignation here against Harris, Floyd and Pillow. The former on their return here were perfectly erased wth excitement, and performed acts worthy only of lunatics. Floyd destroyed bridges and private property, and Harris carried off the archives of the State.
The consternation among the troops here was such that hacks were stopped in the street, and the horses cut loose and made use of in the retreat.
A good many of the business houses have been closed, but there does not seem to be a great dimunition of citizens.
Union people here do not even yet hardly dare to speak their sentiments; but I am privately informed by leading men here that under proper treatment Tennessee is all right.
Our soldiers behave themselves admirably, and call forth no little commendation from the citizens. The bitterest secessionists say they have nothing to complain of in this respect.
All of the specie of the banks here-some million and a half-were carried off.
Colonel Markland, postal agent, has taken possession of the Post Office here, and will open it to the public to-morrow. He has already had about forty applications for clerkships.
G. W. B.