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The Battle of Corinth–Some Particulars of the Desperate Engagement.


October 1862

From The Missouri Democrat, Thursday, October 9, 1862.


Some Particulars of the Desperate Engagement.


They Are Driven Back with Great Slaughter.

The Gallant Conduct of the Sharpshooters.


Some of our Killed and Wounded.


Some of our Killed and Wounded.

Hot Pursuit of the Enemy, &c., &c., &c.

[Special Correspondence Missouri Democrat.]

JACKSON, TENN., October 6, 1862.

You will perceive that we are having glorious times down in Dixie.  The fight commenced on the 3d; but three days before that the track was torn up, and the telegraph destroyed, fifteen miles this side of Corinth, isolating this town.  Fortunately, Gen. Grant was here, and could forward reinforcements.

The enemy attacked our forces from the northwest, west and southwest, and by noon had forced his way against our center and penetrated to the heart of town, reaching the Corinth House.  He advanced in solid column against our heavy guns, with the intent and evident expectation of taking them; and though in this charge he was mowed down like grass before the reaper, he pressed up to our muzzles, when our boys charged from their pits and ditches, bayoneted and drove them out of town and for miles, making great and continuous slaughter.

The night of the 3d, General Grant learned of the fight and forwarded General Lawler and some other troops under General McPherson, to Corinth, and ordered General Hurlbut to approach the scene of conflict from Bolivar and gain a position to the enemy’s south, and cut off his retreat.  All this was successfully accomplished, and yesterday the rebels were being ground between the upper and nether millstones—having General Rosencrans [sic], with some twenty thousand men, in front, General Hurlbut, with eleven tried regiments in the rear, and General McPherson on his left flank.  Yesterday, several regiments were sent from here to Bolivar, to reinforce Hurlbut, if necessary and aid in intercepting the retreat of the enemy.  We have reason to expect that Price and his army will be taken, or annihilated.

 G. T. A.


Highly Interesting Details.

CORINTH, Miss., Oct., 5, 1862.

Editors Missouri Democrat:

Corinth has again been the center of carnage, and the cannon’s voice has again awakened its contiguous hills and valleys with its awful thunder.  Thousands more of brave hearts are pulseless, victims of this cruel, shameful war, and thousands more of homes will sorrow for the brave fallen.  A series of battles has been progressing for the past three days, and the end is not yet.

On the morning of the 3d inst., our outposts were attacked by the enemy in force, about six miles northeast of Corinth.  Before 9 o’clock the engagement became general, and a fierce and sanguinary battle was fought.  Our men, under the eye of the gallant Rosencrans [sic], stood up manfully to the work, and fought with great coolness and bravery.  But regiment after regiment, and brigade after brigade poured in upon us.  We were forced slowly backwards, fighting desperately.  The rebels pushed forward with determined obstinacy, and held every foot of vantage ground.  They outflanked our inferior force on the left, and were forming in our rear.  We were obliged to fall back still further to prevent this movement from being accomplished.  The enemy were now inside our breastworks, and pressing us backwards towards the town, when darkness put an end to the fighting for that day.  They were in easy shelling distanced of the town, not further off than one short mile.  During that last day’s fight our loss was heavy, but that of the enemy must have largely exceeded ours.

Three pieces of the 1st Missouri battery were captured after having stood nobly before the enemy’s fire for long hours, the men consumed by thirst, and subdued by the intense heat and constant exertion.  Brig. Gen. Hackleman, of the Second Division, fell mortally wounded at the head of his men.  He fought bravely and died like a soldier the same evening.  Brig. Gen. R. J. Oglesby also received what is supposed to be a fatal wound.  He was shot in the throat.  He is still alive, but little hope in entertained of his recovery.  “Uncle Dick,” as we called him, was the soldiers’ friend, and he always had a smile and a kind word for us.  If he dies, our country loses the services of an able officer and the support of a steadfast patriot.  The enemy were commanded by Van Dorn, and Generals Price and Villipigue with their respective army corps swelled his forces to at least fifty thousand men.

The night of the 3d is long to be remembered.  The click of a thousand axes, the noise of falling timber, sounding like the deep voice of artillery; the rattling of batteries moving into position; the constant rumbling of wagon trains and ammunition wagons, and occasionally the heavy, solemn tread of regiments of troops taking their place in line of battle, gave ample evidence of the thoroughness of our preparations, and sufficiently betokened what was expected on the morrow.

About four o’clock on the memorable morning of the 4th, the enemy opened briskly upon the town with shot and shell.  Our batteries replied, and for an hour or more heavy cannonading was kept up.  At the expiration of that time, one or two of the rebel guns had been disabled, and they replied slowly.  Shortly after daylight their battery of seven guns was captured, and the town was save for the time being.

As soon as the rising sun gave sufficient light to see, a desultory fire was opened by the pickets who had faced each other all night but a few hundred yards apart.  A portentous quietness soon occurred, and it was evident some grand movement was being made by the enemy.  Suddenly, far on our left, we heard the rapid discharge of musketry.  But this was not of long duration, and proved to be a feint to draw our attention from the real point of attack.  Another pause ensued and then commenced the fearful bloody struggle of the day.  The Western Sharpshooters, commanded by Col. Burke, were ordered forward as skirmishers to feel the enemy, and at about half-past nine o’clock they met him about three-quarters of a mile in advance of our line of battle, advancing rapidly in heavy columns upon the town.

Immediately a murderous fire was opened upon this heavy line of skirmishers, who slowly and deliberately began to retire, returning the fire of the enemy with great effect.  The woods seemed alive with butternuts, and it appeared impossible for this gallant regiment of men to escape destruction in their deliberate retreat over the three-fourths of a mile of open ground which intervened between them and our temporary works of defense.  Their peril was observed by the whole division, and their gallant bearing won their hearty admiration and applause.  Col. Burk’s bravery was complimented on the field by Brig. Gen. Davis, in command of the 2d division.

In a few moments the engagement became general.  Our batteries opened a destructive fire upon the exposed ranks of the rebels, mowing them down like grass, and a shower of musket balls filled the air with death.  Their slaughter was frightful, but with unparalleled daring and recklessness they pushed impetuously forward.  They charged our works desperately, broke our lines of infantry, and captured a small fortification in which a battery of the 1st Missouri was planted.  For a time all seemed lost.  A temporary panic seized our men, and the rebels once more marched into the streets of Corinth.  But new batteries opened upon them; our men, under the direction of a few courageous officers, and stimulated by their example, turned and fought desperately.  The advance of the enemy was checked; they wavered, and then fell back.  Our lost battery was regained, and once more it hurled destruction into their ranks.  Thank God, the day was saved; the enemy was in full retreat!

Our loss was comparatively small during this fearful charge.  That of the enemy was fully twenty to our one killed.  We captured a large number of prisoners.  Numbers gave themselves up voluntarily and expressed themselves gratified at falling into our hands.  We learned from them that it was Price’s division who made this assault.

Rosencrans [sic] managed this battle admirably, and to his skill and strategy we owe our safety and the brilliant victory we have gained.  This morning found him in hot pursuit of the enemy.  He pressed them hard, and a severe battle has been progressing during the day.  Large numbers of prisoners have come in, and more are constantly arriving.  Van Dorn’s whole army will be captured or dispersed unless he manages an adroit and rapid retreat.  Grant is moving on him from the direction of Bolivar with the intention of cutting off his retreat.  Breckinridge is said to be moving into Kentucky with a considerable army.

Among the rebel killed left upon the field of battle, were found the bodies of Brigadier General Rodgers, of New Orleans, Colonel and acting Brigadier General Johnson, of Mississippi, and also the body of another Colonel commanding a brigade, whose name I did not learn.

At this time it is impossible for me to learn much of our casualties.  Col. Thrush, of the 47th Illinois, and Captain Andrew, of the same regiment, were killed in the first day’s fight.  Captain Jerry Hill, of the sharpshooters, was shot through the lungs in the second day’s fight; wound supposed will prove mortal.  Captain W. S. Boyd, of the same regiment, severely wounded in the arm.  Lieut. Davideson, same regiment, shot through the leg.  Capt. Richardson, of the 1st Missouri battery, severely and probably, fatally wounded in the breast.  Gen. T. W. Sweeny is again wounded, I believe, but not fatally.

Brigadier General Davies, commander of the Second Division, contributed much to our success by his cool and intrepid conduct.  Our proportion of officers killed is thought to be very large.  We lost but four taken prisoners.  I think we have now confined in town fully two thousand prisoners, however, I cannot state with accuracy the number.  It is not less than that, however, and quite probably is double.  In the haversacks of the dead rebels found on the field and in those of the prisoners taken, were ears of corn which the ate raw for food.  Some were a little better supplied with wheat biscuit baked up with water without salt.  Generally, prisoners complain of poor fare and heavy marching, and their appearance certainly does not belie their statements.

I will write further, when particulars come to my knowledge.  Corinth is safe for sometime to come, certainly.
