November-December 1862
From The Missouri Democrat, Saturday, December 13, 1862.
From Fredericksburg.
The Charge Through the Streets.
Rebel Works Back of the City to be Assailed.
The Army in Fine Spirits and Confident of Success.
HEADQUARTERS ARMY POTOMAC, Friday morning.—-After occupying the river front of the city last night, we lost about one hundred men in killed and wounded. While driving the rebels through the city, they fired on our men as they advanced through the streets, while secreted in and behind houses. Not much mercy was shown to those who were captured.
This morning a dense fog bid everything from view, but now it is pretty well cleared away. The troops commenced moving at an early hour, Major General Sumner’s grand division leading the way, over in front of the city, to be followed by Major General Hooker’s grand division. Major General Franklin’s grand division, which crosses nearly three miles below the city, is nearly all over.
At a quarter past nine the first gun was fired, the engagement lasting about half an hour, the rebels not making a very spirited reply. It is thought the troops will all be over by noon.
Information received during the night and this morning, from deserters and prisoners, shows that the rebels have two strong lines of batteries in the rear of the city—the first one being one mile back and the second a mile from the first.
The whole army is in rapid motion, and well concentrated. The troops are in excellent spirits, and anxious to be led on the enemy’s works.
The enemy has concentrated his forces, and, it is believed, will give battle. Much will depend, however, on the result of to-day. All feel sanguine of success.