November-December 1862
From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, December 16, 1862.
General Jackson of Penn., and General Bayard among the Killed.
400 to 500 Prisoners Captured.
HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, December 13.—SATURDAY, 11 P.M.—The fog began to disappear early in the morning, affording an unobstructed view of our own and the rebels position, it being evident the first ridge of hills in the rear of the city, on which the enemy had his guns posted behind works, which could not be carried except by a charge of infantry. Gen. Sumner assigned that duty to Gen. French’s division, which was supported by Gen. Howard’s. The troops advance to their works, at ten minutes of 11 o’clock, at a brisk run, the enemy’s guns opening upon them a very rapid fire, and when within musket range at the base of the ridge, our troops were met by a terrible fire from rebel infantry, which were posted behind a stone wall and some houses on the right of the line. This checked the advance of our men, and they fall back into a small ravine, but not out of musket range. At this time another body of men came to their assistance in splendid style, notwithstanding large gaps were made in their ranks by the rebel artillery.
When our troops first arrived at the line of the rebel defences, they double-quicked, and with fixed bayonets, endeavored to dislodge the rebels from their hiding places.
The concentrated fire of the rebel artillery and infantry which our men were compelled to face, was too much for them and the centre gave way in disorder, but after a few words they were rallied and fought back from that time. The fire was spiritedly carried on and never ceased until after dark. Gen. Franklin who commanded the attack on the left, met with better success. He succeeded after a hard day’s fight in driving the enemy about one mile.
General Franklin’s movement was directed down the river, and his troops are encamped not far from the Wassaposix [Massaponax] creek.
Our troops sleep to-night where they fought to-day. The dead and wounded are being carried from the field.
The following is a list of officers killed and wounded, as far as yet known: Gen. Jackson, of the Pennsylvania Reserves, killed; Gen. Bayard, struck in the side by a shell and afterwards died; Gen. Vinton, wounded in the side, but not seriously; Gen. Gibbons, wounded in the hand; Gen. Kimball, wounded in the thigh; Gen. Caldwell, woun[d]ed in two places, but not seriously; Col. Sinclair, of the Pennsylvania Reserves, wounded seriously; Capt. Hendrickson, commanding the 8th New York State militia, wounded seriously.
The following is the loss of officers in the 4th New York regiment: Col. Cross, wounded in the abdomen; Major Sturdevant, killed; Adjutant Dodd, killed; Captain Murray, killed; Captain Perry, killed.
The firing of musketry ceased about 6 o’clock this evening, but the rebels continued throwing shell into the city until 8 o’clock.
The position of the rebels was as follows: Gen. Longstreet was on the left, and holding the main works; Gen. A. P. Hill and Stonewall Jackson’s right resting on the Rappahannock, and Hill’s forces acting as a reserve.
Gen. Burnside will renew the battle at day light in the morning.
The troops are in good spirits and not in the least disheartened.
[Special to the Herald.]
FREDERICKSBURG, Dec. 13.—A. M.—It is ascertained beyond a doubt that the rebel force is nearly 200,000. Jackson commands the rebel right, extending from Ginnis Station to Fort Royal. Longstreet has the center, extending from Ginnis Station to the telegraph road; Lee and Stewart are on the left.
The Herald’s dispatch, dated headquarters last night, says Gen. Franklin’s line moved forward at sunrise, with his right resting on the river, three miles below.
Skirmishing commenced on the left about daylight. Soon after, a rebel battery opened on our lines, and the 9th New York Militia was ordered to charge, but after a fierce struggle were compelled to retire.
The remainder of the brigade under General Tyler then charged the enemy’s guns, when the fight became general.
On the extreme left Generals Meade and Gibbon’s divisions encountered the right of General A. H. [sic] Hill’s command.
The cannonading was terrific, though our troops suffered but little from the enemy’s artillery. Gradually the fight extended around to the right. General Howe’s division went in and then General Brook’s division.
About 10 o’clock General Sumner’s troops engaged the enemy back of the city, since which the battle raged furiously along the whole line.
The enemy occupying the woods and hills had much the advantage over our position, but were driven back on their right a mile and a half early in the day.
About noon Gen. Gibson was relieved by Gen. Doubleday, and Gen. Mead [sic] by Gen. Stoneman. Afterward Gen. Newton’s division moved to the support of the left, when the firing ceased for a short time and then broke out with greater fierceness in the centre where our troops were exposed to a plunging fire from the earthworks on the hill along the whole line.
The battle has been fierce all day with great loss on both sides.
To-night each army holds its first position except a slight advance on our left.
Cannonading is still going on, and musketry breaks out at intervals quite fiercely.
Bayard was hit in the hip by a solid shot, while conversing with Gen. Franklin.
Several hundred prisoners were taken, who report Lee’s whole army in the vicinity.
Hill’s troops started down the river this morning, but returned.
Gen. Franklin’s force to-night is opposed to Stonewall Jackson’s.
It is impossible for an accurate idea of the loss on either side.
The city suffered terribly from the enemy’s artillery, and is crowded with our troops, the front extending but a short distance beyond. The fight will probably be renewed to-morrow. A balloon has been up all day.
About dark our forces carried the right crest of the hill, occupied by the rebels, driving them from the position with great slaughter.
This evening the rebels have been shelling Fredericksburg, endeavoring to drive our troops out, but without success.
General Burnside is in the city, personally directing operations.
Advices from the army state that General Meredith and Colonel Cutler, of Michigan, and his Brigade Adjutant, Dodd, reported killed, are uninjured.
HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, 11:30 A. M., Dec. 14.—There is no fog to-day. The sun is shining brightly with a strong breeze.
At daylight this morning there was a heavy fire of artillery and infantry in front of the first line of works where Gens. Sumner and Hooker were engaged yesterday.
The fire slackened about an hour afterwards, and was heard only at intervals. Until now the same occurred in front of Gen. Franklin’s division down the river. The object of both parties was evidently to feel the other.
During last night and this forenoon the rebels have considerably extended their works and strengthened their position.
Large bodies of troops are now to be seen where but few were to be found yesterday.
Last night the enemy opened fire with infantry, but the wounded have been removed from the field and all the dead obtained are now being buried.
The indications are that no decisive battle will be fought to-day, unless the rebels should bring on the engagement, which they will not probably do.
NEW YORK, Dec. 14.—The Herald has additional list of casualties.
Killed—Lieut. Col. Dickson, commanding 48th United States Artillery. Wounded—General Meagher, in leg; Col. Nugent, 69th N. Y., badly. Major Jennings, 16th N. Y.; Capt. Cameron, 9th N. Y.; Capt. Muiche, 9th N. Y.
Also Captain Carpenter of the 94th N. Y., Captain Hare, A. A. C. to General Tyler; Captain Andrew Mahony, 19th Mass., arm and breast; Capt. L. Doss, do, thigh; Lieut. Newcomb, do, both legs.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.—Generals in high public positions repeat the assertion, as coming from Gen. Burnside, that he has men enough, and therefore desires no further reinforcements.
It is thought here that about 40,000 of our troops were engaged in yesterday’s battle.
From information received early this morning, we learn that preparations were being made all night for a conflict to-day, Gen. Burnside remaining on the field giving orders and looking to the condition and position of his forces.
Additional surgeons and everything which the necessities of the wounded require, have been dispatched from Washington.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.—The Sanitary Commission sent a vessel to-day to Aquia, with surgeons, nurses, and hospital stores for the wounded in the recent battle.
From Fort Monroe.
FORTRESS MONROE, Dec. 13.—The Richmond Enquirer of the 12th has the following:
Heavy firing is going on at Fredericksburg. Longstreet’s troops are engaged. The cannonading is severe. On Thursday last our batteries stationed above and below town opened fire on the gunboats anchored in the stream, consisting of the [illegible] and Resolute. The firing lasted one hour an a half, and was very heavy and rapid. Eleven houses were struck and four completely riddled—the best in the village. Notice was given of an intention to shell the gunboat dropped down the river some miles.
The people of towns like those of Fredericksburg are now scattered in the farm houses and cabins of the adjacent country. Truly the Yankees are waging a war of extermination. Abraham Lincoln is a fit compeer of Nenah Sahib. Colonels Swain and Lamar will visit Europe, accompanied by Colonel L. D. Lamar, of Mississippi, who goes with instructions to Slidell and Mason. Important movements are on foot in Newton, North Carolina. Twelve regiments left Newbern on Saturday. Some think their destination is Wilmington. The more general belief is that they design an attack on Weldon and Petersburg.
On Monday two transports and five gunboats ascended the Chowan river, and a land force of 10,000 was seen in motion for Suffolk, indicating a movement on Weldon.
The Raleigh Progress announces the landing of a large force in Pates county. If this be true, an immediate attack on Weldon must be effected.