January and February 1863
From The Missouri Democrat, Wednesday, January 28, 1863.
Again we say to the friends of the Proclamation, come out and give the weight of your presence and countenance to this great measure for our country’s salvation. You may not be able to march to the battle field to fight the enemies of the Union, but you are able to go to Turner’s Hall to-night and give your voice in support of the means employed by a faithful Executive to put down the rebellion. It is a grand mistake to suppose that the present war is to be fought only with the bayonet and sword and cannon ball. The rebels in arms down in Dixie may probably alone be reached in that way, but the traitors who are working for the same end over in Illinois, and Indiana, and Ohio, and New York, and here in St. Louis, may perhaps, yet be reached by other means. It is idle to suppose that our political rebels don’t fear the moral power of the people’s will. Woe be to any nation when public opinion in it ceases to have weight, that nation is on the road to ruin.
The men who are ventilating their treasonable designs through the loyal sections of the nation, are endeavoring to manufacture strength and capital by laborious efforts to create a public opinion in their favor. To this end they scruple it no misrepresentation of facts or logic. To treat them fairly, and defeat them with sober words of truth and reason, is the true policy of patriotism.
Gentlemen of conceded ability and eloquence will be on hand to address the meeting, and everything promises a rich entertainment.