July and August 1863
From The Missouri Democrat, Thursday, July 9, 1863.
The Interview Between Grant and Pemberton.
The Triumphant Heroes of the West Covered with Glory.
From 20,000 to 30,000 Prisoners Captured.
[Special dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
CAIRO, July 8. – By arrival this morning of the steamer Niagara, from Memphis, 7th, with Lieut. Wm. Dunn, of Gen. J. C. Sullivan’s staff, from Vicksburg, on the 4th, who is bearer of dispatches from Gen. Grant to the War Department, we have the confirmation of Admiral Porter’s dispatch, stating that Vicksburg had capitulated.
A. T. Woodall, correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, was also a passenger upon the Niagara from Vicksburg. Dr. Dunn came as far as Memphis on the V. F. Wilson.
From reliable sources I have been able to gather the following particulars in regard to the closing scenes of the siege of Vicksburg:
The first flag of truce of late from the rebels was received upon July 1st. It was for the purpose of making an escort for two Englishmen who had been long enough penned up in the Confederacy and eaten mule beef enough to satisfy their ideas of comfort. Gen. Grant readily granted Pemberton’s request. The English subjects were not detained longer than necessary. They came and went unquestioned.
On the previous day the rebels made an unsuccessful sortie upon the works on our left, meaning to take our soldiers out of their rifle pits.
On this day Johnston was reported only twenty miles off. The men were in line of battle to receive the attack. His main force fronted on Haines’s Bluff.
On Friday morning, the 3rd, another flag of truce came into our lines. It was brought by two Confederate officers dressed in most festive attire.
They proved to be Major-General Bowen, late commandant at Grand Gulf, and a Virginia Colonel named Montgomery. They rode splendid animals which were rather thin in flesh even for racers. The messengers were blindfolded and sent to Gen. Burbridge’s tent, where for two hours they remained awaiting the return of Gen. Smith, who took their dispatch from Pemberton to Gen. Grant.
Their eyes were unbandaged after one hour and they conversed freely with the Union officers. One of the messengers said iron had been thrown into the city in quantities sufficient to stock immense foundries [sic], and have enough left to build monuments for all citizens and soldiers who had fallen.
When Gen. Smith returned to Gen. Burbridge, the two Confederate officers were again hoodwinked, and by an officer conducted to a safe point, from which they could enter their own lines. These messengers were well dressed in uniforms of gray, and wore dashing devil-may-care Zouave caps, and had but little gold lace upon their uniforms. They each had the golden star on the collar of their coats, designating their rank. Great curiosity of course was manifested among all officers and soldiers to learn the contents of Pemberton’s dispatches. This was finally gratified.
The rebel General had seen fit to intimate that unnecessary effusion of blood and loss of precious lives might be prevented by a brief cessation of hostilities, during which time commissioners might be appointed to agree upon the proper terms for a surrender of the city.
He also intimated as a clincher, that he could hold the place for an indefinite period.
Gen. Grant’s reply was very brief. It set forth that Pemberton had it in his power at any moment to stop bloodshed.
The Commissioners were altogether unnecessary, as the only stipulations he could accept were included in the terms “unconditional surrender.” It concluded with a deserved tribute to the bravery and endurance of the rebel garrison, and said if they surrendered he could promise that all should be treated with the courtesy due prisoners of war.
The Rebel messengers had not long been gone when Pemberton sent again, asking for a personal interview with Grant. It was promptly granted.
At 3 P. M., on the same day, the conference took place in a fruit orchard located about midway between the fronts of the two contending forces.
The scene was witnessed by thousands of Federal and rebel soldiers, who for the first time in weeks showed themselves with impunity above the rifle pits, and yet during all those weeks they had been within five yards of each other. It was a remarkable scene.
Gen. Grant came slowly to the place of rendezvous, smoking his cigar, and apparently the only unexcited person in the vast assemblage. What the General felt within could only be imagined. His stoical face did not reveal a clue to it.
As Pemberton and Grant drew near each other, both, as though involuntarily, paused, perhaps waiting each the first word from the other.
This slight embarrassment was brought to a close by Colonel Montgomery, who stepped forward and formally introduced the chieftains. They shook hands – Pemberton being apparently little disconcerted by the complacency of his opponent.
These men meeting thus after a long siege, in which they had been pitted against each other, had been lieutenants together in the same command in many a hard fought battle in Mexico, hence were previously known to each other. Seldom do such meetings occur outside the field of romance.
Pemberton’s first remark was that he had been present when different fortresses surrendered to the Federal arms in the war with Mexico. In all these the enemy granted terms and conditions. He thought his army as well entitled to those favors as a foreign foe.
Gen. Grant listened, and then proposed a private conversation of a few moments. It struck Pemberton [illegible]ly and the two Generals stepped aside.
What was said during that conference can only be judged from results.
After little more than an hour, terms were agreed upon, and the Confederates surrendered.
It was arranged that the Federal forces should enter at 10 A. M. the next day – the 4th of July.
The rebels were all to be paroled on the spot. The surrender of arms, &c., was to be made.
Officers were to be allowed to retain their horses and four days’ rations, to be taken from Confederate stores.
This was certainly as much as General Grant could consent to.
Prisoners to be liable to exchange.
It was the policy, perhaps, not to subsist the rebels in such large numbers, or endeavor to transport them at once to the North. Our work is to pursue and punish, not to feed and fetch and carry.
The enemy, numbering from 20,000 to 30,000 prisoners, by this arrangement fell into Grant’s hands, along with the small arms, forts, defenses, &c., of the garrison at Vicksburg.
Cannon are plenty, and in quality equal to the best in the Confederacy.
At 10 A. M. on the 4th – truly the glorious 4th – as agreed, General Steele’s division marched into and garrisoned the city, the band playing national airs. Every soldier’s heart was too full for utterance, and the old Union emblems floating above them.
The flag was soon seen in its own beloved colors above the buildings where of late only rebel ensigns had met the breeze. Vicksburg was in loyal possession once more.
Not long after the formal procession had been taken of the city, Col. Markland made his entrance and took charge of the Post-office, and proceeded at once to establish Federal mail routes with the rest of the world.
[To the Associated Press]
CAIRO, July 8. – A bearer of dispatches from General Grant to Government arrived to-day. He left Vicksburg at noon on the 4th, and therefore brings but few particulars of the surrender. One division of the army was marching into the city when he left.
The number of prisoners is twenty-one thousand, about one half of whom are said to be sick and wounded. It is reported by newspaper correspondents who have arrived here today, that all the prisoners were paroled. This, in some respects, seems improbable, though parole may have been extended to sick and wounded.
The only reason assigned for this transaction, is that Grant had no men to spare to guard prisoners, and no transports to send them North. His men are to be used on a better mission in guarding prisoners, as he will push his advantages to the utmost.
The rebels fired some fifteen 6-pound shot into the steamer Dickey at Island 82 as she came up on her last trip, but no one was hurt.
Cairo is brilliantly illuminated throughout to-night.
WASHINGTON, July 8. – A dispatch from Gen. Grant to Gen. Halleck, dated Vicksburg, 10:30, on the morning of the 4th of July, states that the rebels surrendered this morning, and that their troops were paroled this prisoners of war.
The movement about to be made by the forces of Gen. Grant are detailed, but they are not proper for publication at present.