November and December 1863
From The Missouri Democrat, Saturday, November 28, 1863.
They Charge Where no Commander Thought it Possible.
Duplicity of the Rebel Authorities.
Provisions and Clothing for Union Prisoners Appropriated by the Rebels.
[Special dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. – Dispatches from Chattanooga speak in most glorious terms of the conduct of that part of Howard’s corps which stormed Missionary Ridge, and subsequently pursued their advantage by attacking other positions held by the enemy.
Sheridan’s and Wood’s divisions under Hooker went over ground which was deemed perfectly impenetrable, and climbed precipices where no commander would have thought of ordering his troops led. They acted under no orders from superior officers, but after taking Missionary Ridge swept on in one resistless wave of attack. The ground they covered was enfiladed on both right and left and they were subject to a heavy fire in front. So precipitous was the ground that some of the men had to throw down their muskets in order to climb up, but they still went ahead, and in some cases absolutely plunged into the rebel rifle pits, and attacked the enemy with their fists. Bragg and Breckinridge had regarded this position is so secure, that they had selected it as their headquarters, and when our impetuous assault came up they narrowly escaped capture.
The number of prisoners thus far reported is 3,500, but large numbers of rebel stragglers are still coming in.
The statement first made that the rebel army was in full retreat is probably not correct.
This morning Bragg was on the banks of Chickamauga Creek, just to the left of the position to which he had been driven. Still it is not probable that he can long find this position tenable.
It is understood here that the investments of Knoxville are on the north side only, as it is also believed that by this time Longstreet will have discovered a force other than Burnside’s to contend with.
The measures taken by Grant for Burnside’s relief must prove successful and conclude in the capture of the rebel force or disorganized retreat.
There seems to be some ground for regarding as credible the current statement that none of the provisions and clothing sent to our prisoners in Richmond reached them, but that it did reach Gordonsville, and was of course converted to the use of the rebel army. It is also believed that some five hundred of our prisoners have been sent to Danville, Va.
[To the Associated Press.]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. – A gentleman who reached the city tonight from the army of the Potomac says Jeff Davis reviewed Lee’s troops yesterday. The roads are now in tolerable good traveling condition.
The news from Chattanooga telegraph from Washington to the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, Jim became known to the soldiers, who received it in our now moving lines with the wildest delight and cheers. They are enthusiastic to follow the brilliant example of their co-patriots, and will very soon have that opportunity.
[Special dispatch to the New York Herald.]
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. – Headquarters Army of the Potomac, in the Field, November 26. – The entire army of the Potomac is moving this morning, and before this can reach you, we shall have had a fight unless the enemy shall have taken the hint and moved towards Richmond. I never saw the army in better spirits or condition.
Another Army of Potomac dispatch of the 26th to the Herald says the army moves at daylight.
The enemy have only a strong picket force with some artillery below Mitchell’s Ford. Their line extends to the south bank of the river from the vicinity of White’s to Mill Run, where it bends to the south, following the west bank of Mill Run, which is strongly fortified.
At the ford below Mill Run they merely have a small detachment of troops with artillery, to prevent our scouting parties from crossing, but it is possible since the publication of General Meade’s plan of movement and the consequent suspension of the movement they have strengthened these points and will make a desperate effort to hold them.
The battle is expected at Germania Ford or at Jacobs Mills, and probably both.
The corps of A. P. Hill has the left of the rebel line and that of Ewell to the right.
Hill’s corps was reviewed by Jeff. Davis in person, Tuesday, and Ewell’s yesterday.
Information has been received of a positive nature that the rebel General Pasey died from wounds received in the battle of Bristoe’s Station.
Ewell has been absent from his corps for some time from sickness, and it is reported in the rebel lines to-day that he is also dead. Early is commanding the corps temporarily.
Monday General Gregg moved his division of cavalry according to orders issued the evening previous. He crossed the Rapidan at Ellis Ford with his whole command, capturing a few prisoners and driving the rebel pickets back with some loss. When he had perfected his crossing, he received countermanding orders and was obliged to re-cross to this side of the river.
Another dispatch to the Herald of the same date says at Manassas artillery firing was heard during the morning, which appeared to be in the direction of one of the fords on the Rapidan. There is some mud, which, to a limited extent, impedes the progress of artillery and supply trains, but the roads are corduroyed, so that nothing has been stuck so us far.
It is the first time for long period the army of the Potomac has cut itself loose from supplies, and moved with its supply trains laden for a long march. Never has the army been in a condition to move with so great celerity as now. Every pound of baggage in camp equipage not necessary for daily use has been sent to the rear.
The weather is magnificent. The last supplies for the present on the line of the Orange and Alexandria railroad, were issued late night and early this morning. The depot commissaries and quartermasters, with all their tents and camp equipage, were sent to Alexandria.
Washington dispatch of the Herald states a large amount of cotton, amounting, it is believed, to nearly two million bales, is reported accumulated at Atlanta, Georgia, belonging to the people of the rebel Government. It is expected General Grant intends to make a rapid movement on that point, so it will be difficult to remove any considerable portion of this cotton in time to save it from capture.