November and December 1863
From The Missouri Democrat, Saturday, November 14, 1863.
Henderson Says he is as Radical as Brown.
Condition of the Defeated Candidates.
A New Convention Bill to be Passed.
[Special dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
JEFFERSON CITY, November 13. – We have attained a “cosmos!” “We are the revolution!” “John Brown’s soul is marching on!”
The election of B. Gratz Brown was a glorious triumph for humanity and freedom. Henderson says that Brown is radical as –-, and that he is as radical as Brown.
In connection with the splendid victory of this morning, I am compelled to notice the pitiable condition in which the State is about to be left. Mr. Gamble, who you know is acting as if he were Governor, told Mr. Brockmeyer, Representative from Warren, that he intended to resign. This is the saddest affliction of all. What will we do? What will the Enraged Militia say? Another stroke at the peace of the State is the reported resignation of Hall. The Lieutenant-Governor told me that he was not a candidate for the Senate, but that it was his brother William. I promised to make the correction, which I now do. Neither of them are candidates.
The election of B. Gratz Brown and John B. Henderson to the United States Senate over the Blair-Broadhead-Gamble clique has filled the hearts of the Radical Union men of the General Assembly with joy and exultation, and it has without doubt had the same effect on all freedom loving Union men of the nation. The election of both men is a purely Radical triumph. The Radicals had full control of sixty-five votes, but they saw the utter impossibility of electing two Radical men with that number. They resolved, however, to present a bold front and command respect. Of the opposition elements Henderson held control of seven or eight votes, just enough to elect Broadhead and Phelps, had they been turned over to the corrupt party; but Mr. Henderson advised and his friends resolved not to form any combination with men who were willing to barter away their principles for the sake of holding power. He counselled his friends to remain firm, and when it was found that the corruptionists were endeavoring to postpone the election in order to hire the votes of some of their absent friends, then there Henderson and Brown men resolved to defeat them.
The proposition to form a coalition with the Henderson men to elect Brown and Henderson, was at first received with a degree of repugnance by some of the leading Radicals. They remembered the removal of General Curtis and how it was brought about, and shook their heads. They shot of the old Convention ordinance and who had sustained it, and closed their lips firmly. They thought of the aid Mr. Henderson had recently given to the corrupt State ticket against the Radicals, and almost closed their hearts to forgiveness, but when they looked about them and observed the danger to which they were exposed – the coalition of the Broadhead party with the Phelps men – they began to see the matter in another light. Is it not better to have one true man in the United States Senate than two false ones? Is it not better to tolerate Mr. Henderson, even with his past weaknesses, provided we can get Gratz Brown, then to allow the-base tools of military and pro-slavery despotism to triumph over us? To show you the spirit that animates some of the Radicals, I will mention one instance:
In the caucus of Thursday night which resulted in the coalition, an old gray-haired member of rose and said that some time since he had vowed that he would not vote for John B. Henderson, if it would save him from destruction. He had not changed his mind since then, but said he, “although I would not vote to save Henderson’s earthly existence, I will vote for him to save Missouri.” Senators Wagner and Severance were of like opinions, and only yielded to what they considered an imperative sense of duty.
Mr. Henderson was not unmindful of this feeling in our party, and he resolved to do all in his power to assuage it. He well knew that the Radicals would not back down from one iota from principle, nor did he ask them to do so. On the contrary, he voluntarily placed himself on a platform that no Radical Union man in the State or nation can object to.
Before the coalition was effected between the Henderson and Brown men, the committee of conference, which was appointed by the Radical Caucus, obtained from him the declaration that he would hereafter, in the Senate of the United States or out of it, support the administration of Mr. Lincoln in all measures to sustain the Government, Emancipation Proclamation and arming of negroes included.
Mr. Henderson’s friends have all agreed to support the new convention bill, and Mr. Henderson himself will not be found in opposition to it.
Friends of General Ben. Loan gave up their favorite with great reluctance, but necessity and duty to their State required them to do it, and they met the issue like men and patriots. Few gentlemen of the Radical party, however, out of respect of the gallant soldier and friend of freedom, gave him their vote. Among these were Pretorius and Thomas, of St. Louis; Bailey, of St. Charles, and Follsmbee, of Holt.
The friends of Brown and Henderson are rejoicing and exulting together. The utmost harmony and good feeling prevails.
The Copperheads are down in the mouth, and refuse to be comforted. The worst of all is that General Brown had prohibited the sale of whisky and other liquors, and the agony of the defeated ones is therefore intensified.
Mr. Glover, who appears in the House this morning in a suit of gray similar to the Confederate uniform, is now looking terribly blue. His carpet-sack is packed, and he will leave on the freight train this evening.
Broadhead was sought for a half an hour after the result of the election was known, but could nowhere be found. His friends, the Copperheads, are very solicitous concerning him. Should any person find him, they will please return them to the Provost Marshal’s office.
Breckinridge is about to take a clerkship under Isaac H. Sturgeon, in the North Missouri Railroad. Isaac has very kindly consented to look after the poor young man.
John S. Phelps takes his defeat quite coolly, and talks as good-naturedly as ever. He is an old Democrat and knows how to bear trouble.
General Bob Wilson is disgusted with politics and will leave for his farm in Andrew county tomorrow.
The following dispatch in answer to one sent old Abe has just been received. It is characteristic – “to some purpose:”
“Hon. E. H. E. Jameson:
“Yours saying Brown and Henderson are elected Senators is received. I understand this is one and one. If so it is knocking heads together to some purpose. A. LINCOLN.”
Met at ten A. M. After the reading of the journal, the speaker instructed the doorkeeper to inform the Senate that the House was ready to go into joint session.
The two Houses then went into joint session.
Mr. Doniphan withdrew the name of Hon. J. S. Phelps.
Mr. Prine, of Jackson, followed in a brief speech, complimentary to General Phelps, whom the Democrats had stood by for 30 ballots, and whom they now withdrew because they thought the hour had arrived when men however eminent and however dear to their friends, should yield to a regard for our country.
He thought that the best way to remove the harsh and unwelcome incidents of the war was for all to unite and bring the war to a speedy close. For himself he hope to see the stars and stripes speedily waving from Maine to Texas, as the sole emblem of national authority and national glory.
When the name of Mr. Norris, of Grundy, was called, he explained his vote by declaring that the people of his district had given a vote at the recent election which he felt bound to accept as instructions. His constituents had indicated the men they desired him to vote for, and therefore, obeying these instructions he voted for Mr. Brown.
Mr. Lewis, of Clark, when his name was called, stated that he had promised his constituents to vote according to their instructions. These instructions, as implied at the election, he construed as directing him to vote for senators who supported the administration of Mr. Lincoln.
Mr. Broadhead he knew to be such a supporter of the President. He did not know Mr. Brown to be such, he therefore voted for Broadhead.
Mr. Wilson of Platte, when his name was called, declared that he promised his constituents to vote for no man for United States Senator who was an Emancipationist.
He had, however, been driven onward by the rush of events to act contrary to these pledges, and he felt at liberty now to leave those pledges out of the question and act according to his present judgment. He voted for Broadhead.
The ballot stood, Broadhead, 65; Brown, 74; Vorhees, 2. Mr. Brown was therefore declared elected.
Mr. Headlee, of Greene, changed his vote to Brown. Mr. Poepping did the same. The vote stood as follows:
For Mr. Brown – Messrs. Anderson, Bonner, Coste, Cutter, Gilstrap, Gravelly, Heren, Kellogg, Mack, Muench, Norris, Severance, Van Horn, Wagner, Bailey, Barr, Bennett, Bittenger, Bonner, Boon, Brierly, of Buchanan, Bunce, Callahan, Cartwell, Clifford, Cook, Curry, Denby, Downey, Dunlap, Dyer, Fisher, Folmesbee, Follenius, Fourt, Goebel, Gideon, Harrison, of Camden, Headlee, Hewitt, Hollister, Houts, Howland, Jameson, of St. Louis, Johnson, of Scott, Johnson, of St. Louis, Kennedy, Lane, Lovelace, Manwaring, McGoldrick, Meyer, Million, Murphy, O’Bannon, Pike, Poepping, Pretorius, Roberts, Scott, Smith of Caldwell, Smith of Greene, Southord, Strachan, Thompson, Thomas, Trapp, Triplett, Valle, Wamsley, Walker, Wingate, Winters, Mr. Speaker – 74.
For Mr. Broadhead – Messrs. Bush, Dean, Doniphan, Frost, Gordon, Harrison, Hickox, Marvin, Maupin, Morris, Mosby, Richardson, Sebree, Sitton, Allin, Bates, Berry, Biggs, Brierly, of Morgan; Brockmeyier, Burris, Chiles, Conway, Coram, Davis, Devin, Ellis, Evans, Forbes, Garver, Gudgel, Harrison, of Audrain; Jackson, Jameson, of Crawford; Jamison, of Webster; Johnson, of Maries, Lawing, Lewis, McKee, Moody, Moores, Moreland, Morison, Moss, Parrott, Pattison, Payne, Perry, Poepping, Pitts, Quinn, Rhodes, Robinson, Sanisbury, Sappington, Slade, Smith, of St. Francois; Sparks, Starnes, Todd, Tuttle, Wear, Wilson, of Platte, Wood, Young, Zevely – 66.
For Mr. Phelps – Messrs., none. For Mr. Voorhies – Messrs. Wolf, Wommac.
The session then proceeded to elect a Senator for the long term.
Mr. Smith, of Caldwell nominated Hon. John B. Henderson.
Mr. Doniphan nominated Hon. John S. Phelps. The ballot was taken and resulted as follows:
For Mr. Henderson – Messrs. Anderson, Bonner, Coste, Frost, Gilstrap, Gravelly, Harrison, Herin, Hickox, Kellogg, Marvin, Morris, Muench, Morris, Richardson, Severance, Van Horn, Wagner, Barr, Bennett, Bittenger, Bonner, Boon, Brierly, of Buchanan, Brockmeyer, Bunce, Callahan, Cartwell, Clifford, Cook, Curry, Devin, Downey, Dunlap, Dyer, Fisher, Folmsbee, Follenius, Fourt, Goebel, Harrison, of Audrain, Harrison, of Camden, Hewitt, Houts, Howland, Jamison, of Crawford, Jameson, of St. Louis, Johnson, of Scott, Johnson, of St. Louis, Kennedy, Lane, Lewis, Lovelace, Manwaring, McGee, McGoldrick, Meyer, Million, Murphy, O’Bannon, Patterson, Pike, Poepping, Roberts, Sappington, Scott, Smith, of Caldwell, Smith, of Greene, Southord, Sparks, Strachan, Thompson, Trapp, Triplett, Valle, Wamsley, Walker, Wingate, Winters, Wommack, Young, Mr. Speaker – 82.
For Mr. Phelps – Messrs. Bush, Cutter, Deal, Doniphan, Gordon, Maupin, Mosby, Sebree, Allin, Bates, Berry, Biggs, Burris, Davis, Ellis, Evans, Forbes, Garner, Gudgel, Headlee, Jackson, Jamison of Webster, Johnson of Maries, Lawing, Moore, Moreland, Morrison, Moss, Parrott, Payne, Pitts, Quinn, Rhodes, Saulsbury, Slade, Smith of St. Francois, Todd, Tuttle, Wear, Wilson of Platte, Wood, Zevely-42.
For Mr. Loan – Messrs. Bailey, Corum, Gideon, Hollister, Perry, Pretorius, Thomas – 7.
For Mr. Hall – Messrs. Chiles, Moody, Robinsin – 3.
For Mr. Broadhead – Mr. Starnes – 1.
For H. M. Voorhies – Mr. Wolf – 1.
Whole number, 188; necessary to a choice, 76.
Henderson, 82; Phelps, 42; W. A. Hall, 3; Ben Loan, 7; H. M. Voorhies, 4; Broadhead, 1.