January and February 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, February 1, 1864.
Hon. Hamilton Rowan Gamble, the Provisional Governor of Missouri, died at ten o’clock yesterday forenoon, at his mansion in the city. Since the casual fracture of his arm, during a trip to the East last summer, his Excellency has been in a more or less prostrated condition. Recovering at last sufficiently to reach his home, he was compelled to resign himself to medical care and to keep his room. Within a few weeks it has been painfully evident to his friends that his situation was critical. Age, cares and a weakened constitution left him without the recuperative energy to combat his disease, which lately assumed a pulmonary character. Saturday his recovery was considered about hopeless, and his youngest son, absent at college, was telegraphed for to come home. Gov. Gamble was in his sixty-sixth year.
The obsequies will be attended at ten o’clock Wednesday morning, from the Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Walnut and Fifth streets.
A meeting of the members of the bar is called, to be held at half past nine o’clock this morning, in the Circuit Court room, to pay the customary tribute of respect on the death of a fellow member.
Judge Gamble was of an old and influential family, early received a liberal education, discovered an acute and comprehensive mind, and was long a leading St. Louisian of acknowledged weight and worth. His private character and personal reputation are unblemished. His public and official course has been freely canvassed, and heavily censured, but the shield of death is over it now. To his family, to his numerous relatives and special friends, he was eminently kind and generous, and his loss is to them irreparable.