March and April 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, March 4, 1864.
Scouting in Arkansas.
[Special Dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]
CAIRO, March 3. – The steamer Mississippi arrived early this morning from New Orleans, the 24th ult. One of her officers reports that at Vicksburg there was what was considered reliable information that General Sherman’s expedition had taken a shoot towards the South, and had reached within forty miles of Mobile, which place he was threatening. I give this report for what it is worth.
I have the following from Helena, Ark.: on the 18th ult. Major H. Carmichael, of the 15th Illinois cavalry, on a late scout, captured twelve prisoners, among them Major C. H. Carleton and Captain S. L. Moore, of the 15th Arkansas rebel cavalry, and Lieutenant B. J. Thompson, of Davis’s company of guerrillas.
On the 25th is scouting party under command of Lieut. WB Lord of the 15th Illinois cavalry, head return, bringing to 17 guerrilla prisoners. Our loss in the Cumberland expedition were Lieut. Campbell of the 15th Illinois cavalry, five men prisoners, and three wounded.
The guerrillas are robbing the leased plantations of horses, mules and other valuable property wherever they find them, unless protected by our troops. General Buford is active in pursuing the guerrillas and enforcing General Grant’s order No. 4, series of 1863.
The smallpox is on the decrease in Cairo, and but few cases are now in the city limits.
The American Hotel at Dongels caught fire on Tuesday morning at about one o’clock and was entirely destroyed. Every article of furniture and clothing was burned, the inmates barely escaping with their lives. The residence of Mr. Vick, adjoining the Hotel, was also consumed. The loss is probably $2,000.
CAIRO, March 3. – Colonel Wood, of the 1st Arkansas a Regiment, A. D., arrived here to-day, stating that he was bearer of dispatches from Vicksburg, lately received there from General Sherman. They were brought to Vicksburg by a courier, and are only to the 11th of last month. They set forth that Sherman had reached Meridian without fighting. After leaving Jackson, the enemy’s force before him was only 3,000, and much demoralized. He had marched twelve miles beyond Meridian, going eastward, and had sent a force on to Selma.
Reports were prevalent in Vicksburg on the 24th at Selma had been occupied. It is probable that the rumor of Sherman’s being within forty miles of Mobile must be untrue.
Adjutant General Thomas left for below this afternoon on the steamer Liberty No. 2.
Colonel W. H. Lawrence, of the 34th New Jersey, in command at Columbus, Kentucky, reports, under date of yesterday, that on the 27th ult. he sent out a company of mounted infantry as far as Dukedom, which place was reached on the 29th, and arrested four guerrillas, a number more escaping, and captured two horses and equipments. Two revolvers were fired upon the party while passing Dukedom. Captain Higgins, in command, had a volley returned and wounded one of the guerrillas, but he escaped. The detachment got back on the 1st, in safety.