March and April 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, March 11, 1864.
Richmond to be Taken.
General Summary of Current News.
Etc., Etc., Etc.
[Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune.]
WASHINGTON, March 9.—General Grant had a conference to-day three hours long with the Secretary of War and General Halleck upon the military situation in every one of the fighting departments.
In this important council a general plan of campaign was agree upon. That it is intended to be decisive in the particular policy, making a more energetic and decisive use of the army of the Potomac than has heretofore been made, was fully recognized.
It is understood that this will extend to more than reorganizing, and to a changed of its commander, if thought best. Grant will go to the Army of the Potomac to see its condition, and to find out what it wants.
He has hardly slept from his long journey here, and yet is hard at work. General Halleck will, as stated by the Tribune, perform the functions of Chief of Staff to the President.
It is stated by high authority that General Grant will soon return to the South to finish his big job.
Minister Dayton’s son is said to have arrived here from Paris to-day with dispatches from his father, expressing the opinion that the accordance by the French Government of free egress to rebel cruisers from ports in which they had been allowed to receive repairs foreshadowed the recognition of the Confederacy.
General Grant to-day stated to the President that the reports of General Sherman having met with reverses were wholly untrue. He has accomplished all he was sent to do—to destroy the roads running from the Mississippi in the direction of Selma, so as to prevent rebel diversion upon General Banks this spring.
The World’s special says a council of war was held to-day, in which not only the President, Grant, Halleck and the whole Cabinet participated, but all the military talent in which the Administration has confidence was called in.
The basis of the case submitted for consideration was that the several February expeditions had nearly miscarried, and the country was becoming alarmed and dissatisfied.
I have it from a source considered reliable that after the grounds had been gone over Grant was called upon for his views, and he promptly replied in favor of the capture of Richmond as the first step in the campaign, and I feel quite sure orders will go forward to bring the 11th and 12th corps from Chattanooga and 16th and 17th corps from the Mississippi river to Virginia.
All troops that can be spared from other points will, according to the statement which reached me, be incorporated into the army of the Potomac, and Banks be reinforced with negro troops, but nothing more.
It is expected with the aid of the fleet, that he will be able to take Mobile. The great bulk of white troops will be concentrated in Virginia.
It is believed that 100,000 men can be brought against Richmond at any day. The Richmond Enquirer of the 7th says General Bragg has determined to order 15,000 cavalry to be permanently stationed around Richmond. Such a force protecting the roads will effectually protect the city from the insults of raids as well as the country from their injuries.
NEW YORK, March 10.—A Washington correspondent says it is understood that General Grant protests against further attempts to penetrate the Confederacy until Richmond shall have been taken. He disagreed with Halleck and places the highest value upon the rebel capital, and declares that Cincinnati is, as well as Washington, threatened.
Another correspondent says, in this new “on to Richmond,” I think it probable Grant will command the main column, with Sherman, McPherson, Meade and Hooker as chief subordinates.
General Wm. Smith reached here to-day, which gives rise to a renewal of the reports that he will supersede Meade. It is claimed Grant urged his appointment.