March and April 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, March 14, 1864.
New Military Arrangements.
NEW YORK, March 13.—A Washington special says by order of the President the following military arrangements have been made: Lieutenant General Grant has been assigned to command all the armies of the United States, General Halleck is relieved from duty as General-in-Chief and assigned to special duty at Washington as Chief of Staff of the army.
General Sherman is assigned to the command of the division of Mississippi lately commanded by General Grant, comprising the Departments of Ohio, the Cumberland, the Tennessee and Arkansas. Major General McPherson is assigned to the command of the Department of the Tennessee, lately commanded by General Sherman.
Lieutenant General Grant will establish his headquarters in the field with the respective armies operating under his personal supervision.
General W. F. Smith was to-day nominated for Major General of Volunteers, as a necessary preliminary to his assignment to the command of the Army of the Potomac.
The Committee on the Conduct of the War are investigating the Florida expedition. The evidence already given establishes the fact that the President nor any one else in Washington is responsible for its disastrous termination.