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Important Orders.


September 1864

From The Missouri Democrat, Wednesday, September 28, 1864.



ST. LOUIS, Sept. 26, 1864.

On the recommendation of His Honor, the Mayor, and many leading business men of the city, all public business will be suspended after 12 M. to-morrow, to enable us to complete our organizations for local defenses, and so permit an active force to pursue the enemy.

Such business as is necessary to supply the daily wants of the people; public administration, banking and printing offices, manufactories which cannot be stopped without great damage, are exempt from the operations of this order.

Exempts from the military service capable of defending their homes, are requested to organize under direction of his Honor, the Mayor, who will be provided with experienced officers to assist him in the organization.

Whatever is done should be done immediately, and with united energies, the organization should be completed in forty-eight hours, when business will be resumed. Loyal exempts, let us hear from you.

By command of Major General Rosecrans.

Assistant Adjutant General.


ST. LOUIS, September 24, 1864.

The rebel General Sterling Price has again invaded our State, and threatens to make Missouri once more the seat of war. This attempt, it is believed, will be speedily punished. But in order to secure the defeat of our enemies, and to place their discomfiture beyond all doubt, a large number of the Enrolled Militia has been called into service. Let not this call be disregarded; our invaders should be utterly routed. They should learn that the people of Missouri, are not only for the Union, but that they are ready to fight for it whenever required.

A readiness and ability upon the part of our citizens to give efficient aid to the United States in this emergency, will do much to discourage the rebels who intrude and their sympathizers who reside among us. There is no argument these men respect so much as military power. The Militia, when on duty, will be under the command of General Rosecrans, who is Major General of the Militia of Missouri. They will be required to obey his orders, and defer in all respects to his instructions.

The attention of all officers and men of the Militia is especially called to the following extract from General Orders, Department of the Missouri, No. 176, current series:

VI. The General commanding takes this occasion to say to troops under his command, that lawlessness and violence toward unarmed citizens, wasting and appropriating properly to private uses, have done more harm to the nation than the loss of a great battle. Every soldier should remember that he is armed and clothed with authority to preserve and defend law. Any violation of law wrongs his country, and a soldier who does so disgrace [sic] his flag and commits a great crime. Officers are under still higher obligations to avoid and prevent these crimes and disorders.

While the laws of war, and of our country, permit the seizure and conversion of private property for public uses under orders in certain cases, it denounces the waste or conversion of it to private use, as a high crime, and affixes the penalty of death to pillage and plunder. The penalty is the same, whether the offense is committed in our own or in an enemy’s country. Any officer or soldier who shall enter a private house or enclosure and call for food, or take any property whatsoever, without orders from a proper officer, shall be promptly and severely punished.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief.

Adjutant General.