September 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, September 30, 1864.
Good News from Ewing.
General Smith in St. Louis.
Return of Troops to Jefferson Barracks.
An extra train arrived in the city at six o’clock last evening, over the Iron Mountain railroad, from Jefferson Barracks, bringing Major General A. J. Smith and several of his staff officers.
The brigade at North Big river bridge fell back seven miles to De Soto Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday morning the 2d brigade began moving in trains from De Soto to Jefferson Barracks, where the first installment arrived at about seven o’clock. The rolling stock of the road was all day employed in transporting the remaining troops from De Soto and other points on the road. A brigade was left at the Meramec bridge, and the rest of the force, including the artillery, returned to their old camps in and around the Barracks. The cavalry was last to withdraw, and probably did not reach the Barracks till nine or ten o’clock last night. General Smith arrived at the Meramec at seven A. M., and at the Barracks several hours later. Some scores of refugees from various towns and cities in the Southeast came in on the trains.
This withdrawal, so far from resulting from the presence of the enemy, was taken, as we are given to understand, on account of his absence, and of indications of his moving rapidly and in force towards Rolla and Jefferson City. The information on which the military authorities proceed is of course not furnished, but in this instance one of the items has already gained publicity. In the statement that a large body of the rebels was early yesterday morning been moving westward near Richwood [sic-Richwoods], about mid way between the Southwest Branch and Pacific roads.
Of the termination of the investment of Pilot Knob, glorious news received last night is published elsewhere in our columns this morning. Up to the reception of that intelligence at about half past seven o’clock last evening, nothing had been heard from General Ewing since Wednesday afternoon, when encouraging news reached De Soto. Three cavalrymen at the Knob succeeded in getting through the rebel lines at one o’clock in the morning, and found their way safely to General Smith’s headquarters. They reported that up to that hour General Ewing had maintained himself nobly, handsomely using his artillery to excellent purpose. The rebels had planted a battery on Sheppard [sic-Shepherd’s] Mountain, but could not depress their guns sufficiently to avoid firing over instead of into the fort almost invariably. On the other hand our guns raked the rebel position steadily. The messengers further reported that at eleven o’clock in the forenoon they could hear firing from the Knob, showing that the garrison was still fighting.
While withdrawing his troops yesterday, General Smith did so with entire confidence that General Mower and his force must have reached or be on the point of reaching the Knob, certain to relieve General Ewing should the enemy have the temerity to remain.
Up to seven P. M., despite all the reports and rumors to the contrary, the rebels had not, so far as known, demonstrated on any part of the Pacific railroad, but the managers were fully prepared to receive news of interference at any moment.
No doubt need be felt that the requisite steps will be taken to ensure the safety of Jefferson City, Rolla, and other important posts of the west and southwest.
The refugees who arrived yesterday from the Southeast nearly all left on the inception of the rebels, and knew little of their subsequent proceedings. It is, however, lamentably certain that immense injury has been inflicted at Arcadia, Ironton, Mineral Point, Potosi, and other points, in the destruction or appropriation of crops and all property which could be made available to the freebooters. The instances are numerous in which the victims have said farewell to all their worldly possessions, and settled with the conviction that from wealth or competency they have sunk to abject indigence. Under such circumstances, it is to be expected that much complaint would be made against the military authorities, whose power of protection is necessarily limited, and who are often compelled to suffer the sacrifice of partial interests in order to insure the general safety.
One of the persons who left Pilot Knob at one A. M. Wednesday, and smuggled themselves through the rebel pickets, was present at Department Headquarters yesterday. He stated that on Tuesday afternoon the rebels made three assaults on the fort, but were repulsed with heavy loss each time; that an attempt of the rebels to plant two guns on the slope of Pilot Knob was frustrated by the activity of our sharpshooters and the practice of our gunners. The same party stated that during Tuesday our men built casemates to protect themselves from the rebel shells.