October 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Wednesday, October 5, 1864.
Copperheads Piloting the Rebels into Town.
Dr. E. S. Detweiler, of Pacific, Franklin County, who was one of the heaviest sufferers by the sacking of that place by the rebels, gives us the following particulars:
The rebels entered the town in the morning, in number about fifteen hundred, and at once went to work plundering and robbing the stores and private houses, and conscripting citizens.
The stores and other business houses plundered were the following:
Theodore Siefert, dry goods, boots and shoes–heavy.
William Honicke, dry goods and groceries–heavy.
Ignatius Hess, dry goods–slightly.
Mrs. Eat–goods supposed to be taken out by rebels to protect them.
William Manthy, saloon keeper and postmaster–loss heavy stock of liquors.
William Hetzstinner–most of goods carried off for use of rebels.
Wm. Wolff, hotel keeper, suffered considerably.
There were about thirty of the citizens conscripted; among them are the following: Gustav Hoffschmidt, Max Dietrich, Peter Henry and Mr. Fitzpatrick.
Two men by the name of Currey were conscripted but were afterwards released. They were strong Copperheads.
A little negro boy, about six years old, was taken away from his mother and carried off by the rebels.
The private houses of the citizens were entered by the rebels and everything taken that they could lay their hands on. Dr. Detweiler being a marked man, his house was most completely gutted. His most valuable medicines were all taken, and also the clothing of his wife and children. The base wretches even broke up and destroyed the playthings of his children, taking especial pains to wreak their vengeance upon the dolls of his little girls. Brave chivalry!
The rebels were piloted into the town by Copperhead citizens, whose names are well known.
Mr. Jacob Johan is another citizen who suffered severely. The principal animosity of the rebels was exhibited against the Germans.