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From Franklin: The Raid on that Place.


October 1864

From The Missouri Democrat, Thursday, October 6, 1864.



Safe Arrival of Gen. Pike’s Command.


They Are Highly Complimented by General Smith.


Review of the Situation.



[Special Dispatch to the Missouri Democrat.]

FRANKLIN, October 5.—All quiet at this point. Major-General A. J. Smith is in command of the force here, and Brigadier-General E. C. Pike is in immediate command of the Enrolled Militia.

The rebels came in here by the Southwest branch, burning the bridges as they came. The rolling stock of the road was all saved. As nearly as can be ascertained their number was above seven hundred. Mr. Kirby, the telegraph operator at this point, remained here to the very last moment, and when the rebels approached, made good his escape on the train with his instruments and met the reinforcements on the Meramec. It was thought his vigilance saved a longer continuance here of the rebels.

Captain W. T. Hunter was in command of our forces here when the rebels came, and displayed coolness, and deserves praise for saving his little command.

From this point the rebels went to Union, and joined the main body of their troops there, from which point they moved west, probably with the purpose of burning the Gasconade bridge.

The forces of the rebels are entirely composed of cavalry, no infantry having been reported among them. The report of Indians being with them is not as yet confirmed. The estimate of their force, drawn from the statement of scouts and paroled prisoners, is estimated at 30,000, which, in view of the fact that large numbers of them are without arms, is probably correct. I think there is not evidence of there being over 20,000 armed.

The railroad is not injured beyond this point to to [sic] Washington, seventeen miles. The rebel troops that have been in this section are a regular force of the Confederates, and not guerrillas, though how much better than guerrillas I would not like to say. They rob and plunder about as well as guerrillas, though they do not murder quite as much. They have conscripted a great many men from here, and released large numbers of them after taking them and half starving and inhumanly treating them. There seems to be very little sickness among them.

General Smith is active. The old war horse is fully prepared to make Missouri entirely too hot for the rebels. He paid a compliment to-day to the command of General Pike, consisting of the Enrolled Missouri Militia. They marched through town to-day. He said they looked like regulars.

General Pike’s command is bivouacking here upon their arms to-night. The boys are in the very best of spirits; and although they have been exposed greatly since they have left, there is not one on the sick list.

General Pike has ordered a load of hand corn-mills, and says he intends to throw away his transportation and live on the cornfields, in order to catch up with old Pap Price. The General is in for the war, and seems to appreciate fully the demands of the emergency.


FRANKLIN, Oct. 6.—MIDNIGHT.—Major Stockton’s Division Quartermaster, E. M. M., arrived here to-day, bringing a supply train through safely. The guerrilla were ahead of him a good part of the way from Kirkwood, but fearing his artillery, did not attack him. The escort of the train was in command of Lieutenant Colonel Wolff, 13th E. M. M.

The rebels now appear to be moving west, toward Jefferson City, beyond doubt.