November and December 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Monday, December 19, 1864.
Another Battle Yesterday.
Hood’s Army Broken and Routed.
Much Artillery and Many Prisoners Captured.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 17th, 1864.
To the Mayor of St. Louis:
The great battle between United States forces under Major General Thomas, and the rebel army under General Hood, before Nashville, took place yesterday.
It resulted in a great and decisive victory to the Union arms.
The rebel army has been broken and routed, a large portion of its artillery taken and great numbers of prisoners captured.
This triumph has been achieved with small loss to our army. General Thomas reports that his loss has been very slight, probably not exceeding three hundred, and very few killed.
E. M. STANTON, Sec’y of War.
Dec. 17, 1864,—8:25 A. M.
To Gen. Dix: The following official report of the great victory achieved yesterday by General Thomas and is gallant army, over the rebel forces under Gen. Hood in front of Nashville, was received this morning.
One of the most surprising circumstances connected with the great achievement is the small loss suffered by our troops, evincing among other things the admirable skill and caution of Gen. Thomas in his disposition of the battle. In our rejoicings at the defeat of the enemy thanks are due to the Almighty for His protection to our gallant officers and soldiers in the great conflict they passed through.
The report of Gen. Thomas and also an official report containing interesting details, are subjoined:
5 Miles from Nashville, 6 P. M., Dec. 18th.
To the President of the United States, Hon. E. M. Stanton and Lieut. General Grant:
This army takes you for your approbation of its conduct yesterday, and to assure you that it is not misplaced, I have the honor to report that the enemy has been pressed at all points today on his line of retreat to the Brentwood hill. Brig. Gen. Hatch of Wilson’s corps of cavalry on the right turned the enemy’s left, and captured a large number of prisoners; the number is not reported.
Major General Schofield’s corps, next on the left wing of the cavalry, carried several hills, captured many prisoners and six pieces of artillery. Brigadier General Smith, next on the left of Major General Schofield, carried the salient points of the enemy’s line with McMillan’s brigade of McArthur’s division, capturing sixteen pieces of artillery, two Brigadier Generals and about 2000 prisoners.
Brigadier General Gorr’s division of Smith’s command, next on the left of McArthur’s division, carried the enemy’s entrenchments, capturing all the artillery and troops of the enemy on the line.
NASHVILLE, 16th—9 P. M.—During last night Hood withdrew his right from the river, and took a position covering Hillsboro’, Granny White’s and Franklin pikes which since had been carefully prepared for this contingency. He was driven from their front line easily, but the second was very stubbornly defended, and most severely assaulted three times before succeeding. It was carried, however, and twenty pieces of artillery, 2,500 men, including Gen. Jackson, with the majority of his division, were taken.
Brigadier Gen. Wood’s troops on the Franklin pike took up the assault capturing the enemy’s entrenchments and in his retreat also captured 8 pieces of artillery something over 600 prisoners and drove the enemy within one mile of the Brentwood Hill Pass. Maj. Gen. Stedman [sic-Steedman] com’dg detachment of the different armies of this military division of the Mississippi most nobly supported Gen. Wood’s left and bore a most honorable part in the operation of the day. I have ordered this pursuit continued in the morning at daylight.
Although the troops are very much fatigued, the utmost enthusiam [sic] prevails. I must not forget to report the operation of Brig. Gen. Johnson, in successfully driving the enemy with the cooperation of the gunboats under Lieutenant Commander Fitch, from their established batteries on the Cumberland, below the city of Nashville; and of the success of Brig. General Croxton’s brigade, in covering and protecting our right and rear, in the operations of yesterday and today. Although I have no report of the numbers of prisoners captured by Johnson’s and Croxton’s commands I know they have taken a large number. I am also glad to be able to state that the number of prisoners captured yesterday greatly exceeds the number reported by telegraph. The woods, fields and entrenchments are filled with the enemy’s small arms abandoned in the retreat. In conclusion, I am happy to state that all this has been effected with but a very small loss to us, our loss probably does not exceed three hundred, and very few killed.
The enemy was forced back two miles, and his army broken into two pieces, one on White’s Pike, and one on the Franklin Pike, with the range of hills between them; Steadman [sic-Steedman] and Woods pressing down the latter, A. J. Smith, Schofield and the cavalry down the former. Hood can’t make another such sharp fight. Thomas is in good position to press them. Everybody, white and black, did splendidly.
Signed E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of War.
CAIRO 17th: All transports are now out of the Cumberland river, fourteen conveyed by five gunboats came out yesterday. General Lyons [sic] was conscripting vigorously at and about Eddyville. A portion of his force with two or more pieces of artillery has gone in the direction of Ohio river.
It was believed they would take Caseyville and attempt to blockade the river at that point.
Another portion of his force was on the Cumberland river, fifteen miles above the mouth, where they had a battery, but made no demonstrations against the fleet of boats on the way down.
After using the steamers Ben Smith and Echo as gunboats and for crossing the River, Gen. Lyon destroyed them.
A portion of Eddysville [sic], Duckersburg and other towns along the river are said to have been burned by Lyon’s men.
No fears are now entertained of an attack on Smithland, as reinforcements have been sent there from Paducah.