November and December 1864
From The Missouri Democrat, Wednesday, December 28, 1864.
Full Confirmation of the News.
The dispatches of Gen. Sherman and Gen. Foster are as follows:
FORT MONROE, December 26.—The steamer California arrived here at a late hour last evening in 58 hours from Fort Pulaski, bringing important dispatches from General Sherman, and glorious confirmatory intelligence of the capture of Savannah on the 21st inst.
On the 20th Sherman having nearly completed the investment of the city and captured Fort Lee and several other minor outworks in the immediate vicinity of the principal entrenchments surrounding the city, and planting his siege guns in such close proximity to the rebel lines as to command effectually every position held by the forces under Gen. Hardee. A summons was sent by flag of truce to the effect that if the place was not in a certain time surrendered a bombardment and assault would at once commence. To this summons the wily rebel General sent back a reply, that as communications were yet open, and his men fully supplied with subsistence and other stores of every description and kind, he was enabled to withstand a long siege, and was determined to hold the city to the very last moment, and defend the citizens and property which had been placed under his protection, until his forces were overpowered and compelled to surrender.
Every preparation had been made by Sherman to assault the rebel position the next day, but when morning dawned, it was ascertained that the enemy had evacuated the city entrenchments. Several regiments of infantry immediately advanced, who took possession of them, and shortly afterwards Sherman entered the city, at the head of his bodyguard, and received from the hands of a deputation of citizens, a surrender of the place.
It appears that General Hardee, on the night of the 20th, seeing the impossibility of holding the city, and fearing that the only means of escape left open, across the Savannah, was likely to be cut off at any moment, determined to avail himself of this route for his retreat, immediately set to work to partially destroy the navy yard and Government property, and at twilight, under the protection of two iron-clad rams, succeeded in crossing the Savannah river over the causeway, intending to push forward to Charleston.
Thirty-two thousand bales of cotton were stored in the city, which the rebels in their haste, neglected to destroy.
Two iron-clad rams were sunk, and all the Government property which they could not carry off with them, they burned or threw into the river.
Four small steamers and a gun-boat were captured which, together with cotton and a large amount of rebel munitions of war, form a part of the spoils of Sherman’s victorious army.