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Serenade to the President.


January-February 1865

From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, February 3, 1865.



Serenade to the President.

His Remarks on the Success of the Constitutional Amendment.



The Illinois and Michigan Canal Bill Passed.

From New York.

The Empire State Ratifies the Amendment.


Texas Intelligence.


The Rebel Deputies—President Lincoln Reported en route to Meet Them—Serenade to and Speech of the President—Vote on the Illinois and Michigan Canal Bill.

WASHINGTON, February 2.—The Star has issued an extra in regard to the movement of President Lincoln.

It says that at 11 o’clock to-day, President Lincoln left Washington by a special train for Annapolis, for the purpose it is understood of joining Secretary Seward at Fort Monroe or City Point, to hold an interview with the rebel deputation, Stephens, Hunter and Campbell.

From the fact of the President going to Fort Monroe or City Point, color is given to the report that the rebel deputation have been allowed to enter our lines, and it is understood they are now at Fort Monroe.

WASHINGTON, February 2.—The serenading party last night, having played several airs before the White House, the President appeared and was greeted with loud cheers. The President said he supposed the passage of the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery throughout the United States was an occasion to which he was indebted for the honor of this call. [Applause.] The occasion was one of congratulation to the country and the whole world. But there is a task yet before the United States to go forward to consumate [sic] by the voters of the States that which Congress has so nobly begun yesterday. [applause and cries of “they will do it” &c.] He had the honor to inform those present that Illinois had already to-day, done the work; Maryland was proud that Illinois was a little ahead. He thought this measure was very fitting if not an indispensible adjunct and winding up of a great difficulty. [applause.]

He wished the union of all the States perfected so that it would remove all cause of disturbance in the future, and to obtain this end it was necessary that the original disturbing cause should, if possible, be routed out. He thought all would bear him witness that he had never shrunk from doing all that could be done to eradicate slavery by issuing a proclamation [applause.] but that proclamation falls far short of what the amendment will be when fully consummated. A question might be raised whether the proclamation was legally valid. It might be added, that it only aided those who came into our lines, and it was inoperative as to those who did not give themselves up, or that it would have no effect upon the children of a slave born hereafter. In fact, it would be urged that it did not meet the evil, but this amendment is a king’s cure for all evils. [Applause.] It winds the whole thing up. He would repeat that it was the fitting, if not indispensible adjunct, to the consummation of the great game we are playing. He could not but congratulate all present, himself, the country and the whole world, upon this great moral victory.

The vote on the passage of the Illinois and Michigan ship canal bill in the House was, yeas 77, nays 68.