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A Turner Bugler, 2004

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Letter from Capt. Lyon, U. S. A.


March and April 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, April 13, 1861.


ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, MO., April 12, 1861.

To the Editors of the Missouri Democrat:

Concerning the delay at the gate, of the United States Marshal, of several members of the Grand Jury, empannelled [sic] for the April term of the United States Circuit Court, on presenting themselves for admittance to the grounds of this post, as referred to in your paper of to-day and yesterday, I deem it proper to observe that under the present extraordinary circumstances of the country, the usual free ingress permitted at military stations of the government is stopped here, and will so remain until a change is thought proper.  Persons wishing to see officers here, either socially or on business, and appearing in usual numbers for such purposes, are admitted.  Other parties wanting admittance, will be governed by special orders to be given to the Sergeant of the Guard at the gate, upon his report concerning applications.  Such was the case of the United States Marshal and his party, and which could not have been for[e]seen or provided for, and the Sergeant in charge at the gate on reporting, was directed to return and say to them, that I would meet them at the gate immediately, but before the Sergeant returned, they had gone.  On arriving at the gate soon after, the Sergeant so reported to me, and gave me a card left by the party.

Soon after this, two gentlemen, named Murray and Munroe, I think, called at my quarters, having obtained admittance without difficulty, and stated that they were a part of the United States Grand Jury, and in coming a little behind the other party, expected to meet them here, and I then told them what had occurred as above stated, and that I regretted they had not come in.  I then voluntarily and gratuitously stated that I understood the party was a City Marshal and Grand Jury, and though this did not delay the return of the Sergeant, for which they did not wait, I thought proper, under existing cir[cum]stances, to direct, before I went to the gate, a lookout for any emergency this seemingly singular arrival might require.  No order was issued to put the men under arms, nor was any delay to answer the application for admittance occasioned from fear of spies or secessionists.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Capt. Second Infantry, Commanding troops.