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Who was Turner anyway?

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A Turner Bugler, 2004

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Gen. Namidian Lyon.


May 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, May 14, 1861.

Gen. Namidian Lyon.

“This man Lyon,” alias “N. Lyon,” alias “Lyon murderer” as the Journal has it, or according to the Republican “Mr. Lyon,” alias plain “Capt. Lyon,” is a terrible fellow, since he so promptly and vigorously carried out the instructions of the War Department to take Camp Jackson. According to these authoritative journals this horrible man is, or ought to be prosecuted for murder or at least withdrawn from this post and disgraced. The Republican has frequently exhorted its readers to “keep cool,” to put “ice in their hats.” Let it do the same thing, using without intermixture the pounded article it so largely consumes at Jacoby’s. The Journal is simply crazy and beyond the reach of any other treatment than a straight jacket.

Gen. Lyon will do his duty and nothing more or less. And so long as he continues to carry out his instructions with fidelity and promptitude he will receive, as he has already received, the cordial approbation of Gen. Harney, the general government, and loyal American people everywhere.