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Who was Turner anyway?

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Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

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A Bit of War Romance.


November/December 1861

From The Missouri Democrat, Friday, November 15, 1861.

A BIT OF WAR ROMANCE.—A correspondent of the Clarksville Jeffersonian, writing from Columbus, Kentucky, says:

“Quite a romantic little incident ‘developed’ itself here yesterday. A skiff from Cairo, with a flag of truce, made a landing in front of General Pillow’s headquarters. It contained a young gentleman and a young lady. The young lady was a native of Port Gibson, Miss., and has been going to school at Columbus, Ohio. When the war commenced she found she could not get home, and has been waiting several months for an opportunity to see her native soil. Finally a gallant young Lincolnite (who was probably an ardent young lover, also) proffered his services to conduct her to this place. At Cairo he procured passes from Gen. Grant, and the couple started out in a skiff, and make the trip down in four hours and a half. Gen. Pillow gave the young man a pass to return. The affair created some little excitement, and furnished the boys some food for conversation. The young man was the nicest looking Abolitionist I have seen for a long time.”