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Washington’s Birthday in Saint Louis.


November/December 1864

From The Missouri Democrat, February 23, 1862.





All Professions, Trades, and Avocations Represented.

The American celebration of 22 February, 1862, will be chronicled as a National demonstration of its kind unparalleled in history. The love of country and the pride of nationality that lie deep in the American heart, have on that day found an expression whose sublimity will challenge the admission of the world.

If we judge of the expression in other Union cities by its warmth, here, we are warranted in declaring that the immortality of our nation is guarantied by the deathless patriotism and love of freedom and free government which must ever, at last, triumph over all illusions, sophistries and conspiracies, however formidable that seek the destruction of our country.

One thought, one sentiment, a single impulse, appeared to move our population on Saturday. It was to render heartwarm homage to the Father of his Country. The consciousness of the greatness of the peril to which our land has been exposed, and from which it is at last surely emerging, rendered us all more mindful of the teachings, examples and memory of our nation’s Pater Patriæ, the “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

The dawn of his birthday found our city draped and festooned in the glorious emblem of the Union to which he has so anxiously assisted to form, the dangers which he so prophetically foresaw, and the preservation of which, “in any event,” he so solemnly and repeatedly enjoined upon his fellow citizens.

Above, around, everywhere, we saw the red, white, and blue displayed from housetop, spire, dome, window, awning, lining each of the streets, and making our city literally a city of flags. Banners of other styles, but still indicating a love of country and liberty, and of hatred to oligarchs and traitors were numberless everywhere. Who wore not the Union rosette? It was adopted universally, and by scores who not long since avowed their sympathy and intent to cooperate with its armed foes.

They who, some months ago, were almost ready to shoot down in our streets the man who dared to call secession and treason infamous, suddenly became adulators of the Union once more! The sickly cavil—the remark of the imbecile or poisoned mind-that the celebration was in honor of Washington, not of the Union, was rarely ventured upon, so deep and thorough has become the general conviction that he who reveres the principles of Washington must love the Union which he revered as the very palladium of liberty itself.

At an early hour St. Louis was everywhere astir with preparation to join in the grand procession. The arrangements had already been made by each association and interest in all the wards, and by hundreds of business establishments, to participate in the grand parade. The published program was nearly followed out by the able Grand Marshal of the day and his efficient aids, in forming the different divisions on the streets assigned them.

To General William K. Strong, the community is largely indebted for the skill and thoroughness with which the extensive and complicated parts of the program were managed so as most admirably to contribute to the grand result. By 10½ A.M. multitudes, apparently countless, had flocked to the junction of Washington avenue and Fourth street, and that vicinity, and the dense crowds steadily and largely augmented as the minutes moved on.

By eleven it seemed as if all the population of this region had gathered in that portion of our city, crowding street, house tops, windows, and every acceptable place where a view of the forming procession could be gained. Punctual to the appointed hour, the military began its prescribed march, and counter-march on Washington avenue in front of General Halleck’s headquarters. He appeared at a window, and was enthusiastically clapped, while a band struck up the air of “Hail Columbia,” and the cannon of the Wilkes Club boat roared a welcome to the General.

The procession started a few minutes before twelve o’clock, but several hours elapsed before the last of the entire body was in motion—owing to the extreme length of the line.

The Staff and Body Guard of Major-General Halleck, and the First Iowa Cavalry occupied Washington av., between Fourth and Fifth street, for an hour before the procession started. The Grand Marshal and his aids took their positions on the southwest corner of Fourth street and Washington avenue, and thence General Strong directed the formation, which was as follows:


The military on Washington avenue, with the right on Fourth street.

Ladies in carriages on Fourth, south of the avenue.

Railroad carriages, omnibusses, express and transfer vehicles, &c. on Third street, south of the avenue.

Cavalcades of citizens on Second street, south of Washington avenue, four abreast, right resting on the avenue.

Mayor, Council, School Board, County Commissioners, judges, other civil officers and Union Merchants Exchange, on Main street, south of the avenue.

Citizens on foot-from the First Ward on Ninth street, Second on Eighth street, Third on Seventh street, Fourth on Sixth street, Fifth on Fifth street-all with their right on the avenue, and left extending southward. From the Sixth Ward on Fifth street, Seventh on Sixth street, Eighth on Seventh street, Ninth on Eighth street, and Tenth on Ninth street—all with their right on the avenue and their left extending northward.

Mechanical, mercantile, benevolent and other voluntary associations, on Tenth street.

Draymen’s and Wagoners’ Society, and Butchers’ Association on Eleventh street.

St. Louis Fire Department on Twelfth street.



The details of the procession were as follows:


Frank Boehm’s celebrated Silver Cornet Band.

Brigadier-General William K. Strong, Grand Marshal of the day, on horseback.

The Grand Marshal’s staff of military aids, mounted, consisting of

Col. H. P. Andrews, Col. J. C. Kelton,
Lt. Col. C. H. Marsh, Lt. Col. H. M. Day,
Maj. Robert Allen, Maj. O. P. E. Johnson,
Maj. W. E. Wallace, Maj. N. W. Brown,
Maj. Frank J. White, Capt. W. C. Jones,
Capt. Myers, Capt. W. M. McMichael,
Capt. Meigs, Capt. Preston,
Lieutenant Barnes, Lieutenant Price,
Lieutenant Canfield, Lieutenant Wherry.

The Grand Marshal’s Staff of Civil Aids, mounted, composed of General P. Strong, Clinton B. Fisk, J. Cheever, J. Blackman, Henry J. Moore, William C. Jones.



Colonel Almstedt’s Artillery Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, comprising twelve hundred men and thirty pieces with full complement of battery, magazine, and forge wagons. The larger portion of the command were equipped as infantry.

Capt. Winkelmeier’s independent company of Pontoniers, eighty-two men.

Capt. Munch’s Minnesota Battery of Light Artillery, one hundred and twenty-four men, and six pieces and complement of caissons, &c.

The Lyon Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, Third Missouri, Colonel Sheppard, with some four hundred men.

A battalion of Col. Marshall’s First Illinois Regiment of Cavalry, three hundred horses, Lieut. Col. Day in command.

A fine band of drum and brass music.

A battalion of First Iowa regiment of cavalry, four hundred strong, Lieut. Col. Moss commanding.

A battalion of Col. Fitzwarren’s cavalry regiment, two hundred and fifty in number.

Third Michigan regiment of cavalry, under Colonel Minie, nine hundred horses.

Capt. Dodson’s Independent Company of Illinois cavalry, seventy horses on special service at General Halleck’s headquarters.

Ninth Illinois Cavalry, Col. Bracket, eleven hundred and sixty horses.

Dodge’s Iowa Battery, four pieces and sixty-five men.

Thus, the total of the military in parade was over five thousand men, some three thousand of whom were mounted.



A gaily decorated wagon with a fine band of music.

The young men of the Wilkes Club in their extemporised sea yacht, christened the “San Jacinto.” This was a large yacht, covered with red, white and blue, and nautically rigged with two masts bearing yards, cross-trees, truck, spanker, boom, &c., after the approved style of a square rigged schooner. The establishment was drawn by six splendid black horses, decorated with flags, shields and streamers of red, white and blue. A large ensign floated from the foremast, another from the spanker gaff, and the blue pennant from the mizzen. The brave craft was manned by some thirty men and lads, and was further formidable by bearing a small breech-loading cannon, which was discharged amid peels of music and hurras.

On the lower cross-trees were the “sailor boys” in blue shirts, white pants, and caps trimmed with red. The following named members of the club were present: Daniel Catlin, T. Catlin, J. H. Brookmire, John Whirry, Joseph Whirry, H. A. Gleim, Charles Gleim, John McClunney, John Beck, J. R. Meeker, A. Brown, John Coolidge, H. M. Douper, O. D. Filley, W. Ware, J. F. Smith and J. W. Lake. Each member bore besides the universal rosette, a badge inscribed “Wilkes Club.” The item was furnished by the Messrs. J. & A. Arnot, and the vessel was rigged by Mr. J. B. Brookmire.

Immediately before entering the procession, the San Jacinto “hove to” at the headquarters of Gen. Halleck, who appeared at the window and surveyed the saucy craft with evident satisfaction, and was honored with a salute from the loud little cannon above named.

Following was J. F. Hart’s oyster wagon, with two horses, the vehicle and team very tastefully decorated with colors and bearing a really superb model in miniature of the steamer Hannibal City.

Major General Tom Thumb came next with his little carriage and Shetland ponies in a furniture wagon, drawn by two horses. On the carriage were the General’s juvenile driver and footman in Union rosettes and Continental uniform. The horses and ponies had each two flags and the carriage exhibited a large portrait of Washington.

C. B. Hubbell, Jr. & Co. of 104 Fourth street, contributed to the pageant a one horse wagon gaily decked with the national ensign and colors, and bearing a likeness of Washington.

One hundred and twenty-seven carriages filled with ladies succeeded. The fair occupants were lavishly adorned with red, white and blue arranged in endless and pleasing variety of styles. The vehicles were covered with flora and streamers, and in many instances the decorations of the vehicles were exceedingly ingenious and elicited enthusiastic cheering.

A cavalcade of forty citizens on horseback.

One of the large omnibusses of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company, drawn by six light gray horses, and carrying a large band of music, and a throng of ladies and gentlemen. The band was from the Second Michigan Regiment of Volunteers, and was arranged by the company named.

Officers of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company, in a carriage drawn by four black horses-the whole establishment profusely arrayed in rosettes, flags and streamers.

“Washington crossing the Delaware” was well represented by a yawl on a platform, upon a transfer wagon of the O & M RR Co. The platform and its deep sides were painted up as to indicate a tract of water and floating blocks of ice, through which the boat was being forced by her crew. The occupants, nine in number, were dressed in Continentals. The figure of Washington was aptly personated by Nick Wilsey, theater manager. The principal personages had their faces, locks and beard liberally powdered with imaginary frost or snow, suggestive of the wintry rigors suffered during the memorable passage thus so vividly brought to mind. One of the party sustained a grand old “flag of our Union,” the steersman labored at his oar, and others of the party were plying poles. The whole drawn by four black horses, possessed unusual merit, and attracted a great attention. The designer was Mr. Ed Spencer, General Ticket Agent of the O. & M. RR. Co.

Bus of the same company, four horses, bearing a gay and patriotic throng of gentlemen and ladies.

A large wagon of the company, full of boys and girls, flags, &c.

One of the large busses of the company, full of boys and girls in high glee, all singing “Three cheers for the red, white and blue.” The vehicle and six steeds were particularly festive with these colors.

A transfer wagon elegantly draped and pavilioned, a wreath surmounting the pavilion, and over all a gallant ship, with patriotic bunting streaming from her mast. Drawn by four horses very beautifully decorated.

The St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Company and its employees were present in strong force.

A gorgeously decorated wagon contained the company’s brass band from Alton and displayed a fine portrait of Washington with the words “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” On each side were the words “St. Louis and Indianapolis line.” and on the ensign “22nd February, 1732” and “E Pluribus Unum.”

Another of the company’s wagons bore a printing press and a band of jubilant typos from the DEMOCRAT office. From this press copies of Washington’s Farewell Address, the best Union document ever written, were liberally issued to the crowd. The wagon was hung with cards labelled “Halleck and Buell,” “Grant and Foot [sic],” “First in War, First in Peace,” &c., “Attack, pursue and destroy the rebellious enemy,” (from Stanton,) and “The DEMOCRAT—Principle, not Policy governs its actions.”

A large ‘bus of the St. L., A. & T. H. R. Co., finely decked with red, white and blue, carrying four wooden cannon on the top, and conveying sixty-eight ladies, the sweethearts and wives of the employees of the road residing on the Illinois shore. The vehicle was also hung with cards in honor of Halleck, Grant, Foot [sic] and Buell.

A second, third and fourth ‘bus of the same company followed, each bravely adorned and thronged with manliness and beauty. One of them exhibited a picture of the goddess of liberty, a globe, a portrait of Washington, and a tall flag with staff surmounted by a miniature locomotive.

The American Express Company and its employees followed merrily, in seven crowded wagons, the horses and vehicles lavishly decked with patriotic symbols, and the occupants tirelessly hurrahing.

“The Great Western Dispatch” was represented by a thronged wagon and flag, and profuse decorations.

The United States Express Company had several gay teams—the third wagon carrying a goat with his horns tricked out with “red, white and blue,” and exciting much merriment.

Two wagons of Messrs. Ubsdell, Peirson & Co. One was gloriously festooned in American colors, and floated a lofty ensign. Thirty-five of the employees of the house were present.

The Missouri Glass Company’s wagon, splendidly decked with flags, and containing a score of glass blowers.

“The Loyal Bakers of St. Louis” were represented by a large deputation volunteered from the establishment of Charles Holmes. A four horse carriage contained the proprietor and clerks, following whom was a wagon with some twenty bakers in their working attire of white. Four wagons succeeded, each thronged with bakers-one of the vehicles exhibiting in patriotic colors, “C. Holmes—best patent machine bakery.”

Eleven wagons of H. N. Kendall’s baking establishments, containing some two hundred and ten of his employees. The teams were laden with decorations, and the occupants were brim full of mirth and patriotism. A loaf of bread was born in triumph upon a lofty pole and nice biscuits were generously distributed among the crowds.

Next came Mepham & Brothers’ large wagon, full of flags and mottoes and jubilant patriots. From the center rose an unusually tall staff, supporting a magnificent flag. The establishment displayed much taste and enterprise.

The “Excelsior Iron Works” appeared in a large wagon fitted as a workshop and containing some twenty-six hands busily employed in moulding. Over them was a life-sized portrait of Washington and the national ensign. A second wagon represented the workmen engaged industriously finishing stove plates.

Wagon with full cornet band.

A cavalcade of six hundred fourteen citizens on horseback.

The Union Merchants’ Exchange-band obtained from the Twenty second Illinois Infantry-in four horse wagon, with a portrait of Washington, flags, &c.

Second wagon of the Union Merchants’ Exchange, crowded, eight horses, a portrait of Washington and four large flags.

Thirteen carriages containing U.S. Commissioners on Claims, Board of Public Schools, County Commissioners, City Officers and City Councilmen.

Twenty-two four horse wagons of the Union Merchants’ Exchange, crowded, and profusely decorated with flags, banners, rosettes, streamers, and other patriotic devices. One bore a flag on which was inscribed “Springfield” and was followed by one resplendent with gay emblems, and filled with a particularly merry party.

Adams Express Company had five four horse teams, with wagons, in which were piled up boxes and packages labelled “Uncle Sam, New Orleans;” “Parson Brownlow, Knoxville, Tenn.;” “Gen. Curtis, Little Rock, Arkansas;” “General Butler, Ship Island;” ” From Major General Halleck to Commanding Officer, Fort Henry;” “Gen. Grant, Fort Donelson;” “Commodore Foot [sic], Florence, Alabama;” “Charley Anderson, Texas;” “From Major General Halleck, to Col. Brown, Fort Pickens;” “Old Abe, Washington, D. C.;” “Gen. Hunter, Houston, Texas;” “Andy Johnson, Nashville;” “Gen. Banks, Winchester, Virginia;” “Gen. Burnside, Roanoke Island;” “General McClellan, Richmond, Va., via Manassas, sure;” “Gen. Buell, Bowling Green, Ky.;” “Com. Dupont, Port Royal;” “Gen. McDowell, Charleston, South Carolina;” “Gen. Anderson, Fort Sumter, South Carolina;” “Secretary Stanton, Washington, D. C.;” “Gen. Dix, Baltimore, Maryland;” “Gen. Wool, Fortress Monroe, Virginia;” “Gen. Sherman, Savannah, Georgia.”

This feature of the display excited much amusement, and was everywhere hailed with much gratification-the evident purport being that the time was at hand when peaceful intercommunication would be renewed throughout the country, and when our commanders would occupy all the rebel cities and forts.

A carriage containing the Police Commissioners.

The day and night police, bearing three flags.

Eight or ten carriages of citizens.

A miniature representation of Fort Donelson, drawn by four black horses. It was a wooden frame, covered with cloth eight feet by six shaped and painted so as to resemble a fortification with bastions and eight port holes. This device, which received much attention, was executed by the employees of Julius Winkelmeier, brewer.

Nineteen carriages with citizens, ladies and children.
Wagon with a band.

Three furniture cars, with press, composing cases, &c. and typos of the Anziger des Westens—all in fine style, and distributing memoranda of the dates of the principal events in the life of Washington.

Four decorated wagons with employees of Cairn’s soda factory.

Delegation from Carondelet and the Gravois settlement, preceded by a fine band. Prominent was a large wagon heaped high with specimens of every variety of farm produce and numerous agricultural implements, the whole tastefully decorated with flags and cedars. Following were some two hundred and fifty citizens of Carondelet, on horseback, and an equal number on foot.

Capt. Schatner’s company of Jaegers, or huntsmen, one hundred men, attired to represent the hunters of ’76.

Band. German Roman Catholic Benevolent Society, five hundred and fifty strong, with regalia and a great abundance of banners and flags.

The German St. Vincent’s Orphan Asylum, some two hundred.

Catholic Young Men’s Society, one hundred.

Druids, eight hundred, with a band.

Roman Catholic Total Abstinence Society, two hundred and fifty.

Three United States Mail Wagons, with full and fine band preceding. The wagons were draped and covered with magnificent flags, and the horses decorated in regal style. A grand portrait of Washington was exhibited in the first wagon. While admiring this display we discovered the presiding genius of it in the person of Martin Carey, of the Ninth Ward. Following was the Shamrock Society with regalia and banners, and flags, and other symbols of patriotism. The members turned out with great spiritual enthusiasm to the number of some three hundred and thirty.

St. Louis Coopers’ Union, two hundred.

Turnvereins, one hundred.

Caledonian Society, with band, one hundred.

Delegation of some three hundred citizens from the First Ward, Geo. Fisse, Marshal. The citizens were on foot and in carriages.

Delegation of from three to four hundred, from the Second Ward, Christian Ploeser, Marshal.

Some three hundred draymen and wagoners, mounted, preceded by a fine band, in a wagon.

Delegation from the Third Ward, in furniture cars, carriages, and on foot.

The St. Louis Cadets, military juveniles, fifty-five in number, in uniform of red, white and blue.

An immense wagon drawn by six horses, furnished by Holton & Capelle, and resembling a tent loft and canopy. The affair was inscribed “Tents, Wagon Covers and Tarpaulins.” A score or so of workmen were engaged within busily handling the tools of their vocation.

A wagoner’s blacksmithing establishment, exhibiting a forge and bellows in full play, a wagon on wheels in process of tiring. The significant motto, “Mudsills Uppermost.”

A barrel making establishment, with men preparing hoops from hoop poles.

A wagon laden with a pyramid of jingling bells, surmounted with a wreath and an ensign.

Butchers’ Association on horseback, fully four hundred strong-an imposing display—all preceded by a splendid band.

Eighth Ward delegation-consisting of a full band of music, some two hundred citizens on foot, and a similar number in vehicles, and including thirty-five juveniles, bearing the coat-of-arms of the States and Union.

A six horse team, representing Relustedier’s flour barrel factory, with coopers engaged in finishing barrels.

Republican Press; eight white horses drawing a large wagon, in which were cases, type, &c., and a press, from which were issuing copies of that confessed unconditional Union document, Washington’s Farewell Address.

Pawley’s cake oven, on wheels, beautifully festooned with red, white and blue and covered with flags.

A one horse wagon, the latter bearing a pavilion of red, white and blue, and further adorned with four flags. On the apex of the pavilion was a live rooster, in fine condition, and on each side were the inscriptions-“Laurels for Heroes,” and “A Rope for Traitors;” the former beneath a laurel wreath and the latter just over a hangman’s hempen cord and knot. The elate bird, just named, was tied by the red, white and blue, and beneath were the words, “Game of U.S. Intervention.”

Ninth Ward Delegation; some three hundred citizens, preceded by an excellent band, and a six horse omnibus grandly decorated and filled with ladies. On the outside was a personation of George Washington in Continental uniform, by Mr. Bernard Barns.

The Iron Moulder Brigade’s was announced by a wagon with moulders in it at work, shoveling sand, filling moulds, &c.

Following were the banners, “Ninth Ward always loyal,” “Ninth Ward Home Guard,” numerously attended.

The gunboat Essex. A striking and felicitous feature of the procession-a boat rigged as a gunboat and manned in naval style. Her officers were Commodore John H. Detert, Captain Wm. Power, First Lieutenant Philip S–f, Second Lieutenant Samuel Lloyd, Purser Carpas Tressel, Midshipman John E. Bart. The Essex was followed by some twenty carriages of citizens of the Ninth Ward, and their families.

Tenth Ward Delegation, with band, some twenty-five vehicles, and five hundred citizens, in carriages and on foot. In the train was a team of six horses drawing a wagon in which were thirty-four small girls all wearing turbans of red, white and blue, and dressed in American flags. In the center sat the Goddess of Liberty—as represented by Miss Jennie Clark—bearing helmet, shield and staff.

One six horse and two four horse teams conveying sixty employees of Louis Espenchied’s wagon manufactory, busily engaged in their vocation, around and beneath an abundance of flags, streamers, &c.

“The Union” was represented by a perfect wagon of first-class workmanship, in the car in front; and in rear “the Southern Confederacy” by a dilapidated wreck of a carriage, which two negro boys were hopelessly endeavoring to put in repair. This feature received deafening cheers and created infinite diversion.

The Fire Department appeared in its usual splendor and beauty on exhibition. The hook and ladder preceded and the engines with their hose carriages and wood wagons advanced in the following order:

Geo. Kyler, the Union, the Davis Moore, the J. M. Wimer, the Missouri, the Underwriter and the Deluge. Each machine was brightly burnished, and the firemen appeared in their usual neat parade attire.


The procession was not only of vast length, not less than seven miles, but perpetually changing, more or less, in the number and order of its details—large accessions being perpetually received, and a considerable number of departures constantly taking place. Accident occasionally led some vehicle to another than its assigned place for a time, and thus, and from other cause, omissions have occurred in our account above.


A. Geisel’s tinners’ wagon, from the Second Ward, exhibited a tinman’s shop with tinners at work, and distributing specimens of their manufacture among the crowd.

A beautifully decked boat full of ladies, tastefully arranged in the Union colors, attracted much attention.

Belonging to the Tenth Ward delegation was a wagon laden with skins and hides, and with several tanners at work, beneath a wreath of “The Union and the Constitution.”

Marshall & Co.’s Laclede Foundry had two teams, with workmen turning a six-pound cannon and a twelve-pound howitzer.

Two colliers’ wagons, filled with coal diggers, occasioned much interest. One was drawn by twenty-four horses and mules. The colliers were busily shoveling coal.

Stenn & Steinbach exhibited the model of “a platoon battery” of seventy-five pieces, by which five hundred shots may be fired at once-twenty-five with a single cap.

“The German Brewers” of St. Louis, some one hundred in number, followed a wagon filled with barrels.

Woodburn & Scott, spoke and wheel manufacturers, were out with a four-horse team, a grand flag, an abundance of Union wreaths, and the motto “Sound to the hub; we drive with a Union mallet.”



Among the numbers of wagons bearing the members of the Union Merchants’ Exchange, none attracted more attention than the one drawn by four mules. Not that there was anything fascinating about the mules themselves or in their driver to fix the gaze of the vast multitudes, but the point of attraction seemed to be the load of noble, handsome, Union merchants crowded together in the body of that wagon.

Each man seemed to be an embodiment of several Fourth of Julys and 22d of Februaries, of himself; the reader can, therefore, imagine what results, in the way of cheering and singing, these merchant patriots could produce when forming, as they did, a join stock company. Every house showing the stars and stripes received a hearty cheer, and where the Red, White and Blue waved the thickest, our Union merchants cheered loudest.

As the mule team was passing the house of Mrs. Carrol, No. 144 Washington avenue, such a volcano of cheers was opened from their patriotic throats, as to render all other noises whispers in comparison. The superiority of these gentlemen’s lungs, and of their enthusiasm, was duly acknowledged by the beautiful daughter of Mrs. Carrol, who presented the conductor of the wagon, Mr. Humes, with an elegant boquet [sic].

LAMB & BRO., of the Alton, Chicago and St. Louis Transfer Company, furnished the splendid omnibus drawn by six horses, beautifully decorated, and having the names of Clay, Webster and Douglas upon three of the horses, and the names of Generals Scott, Halleck and McClellan upon the other three. This company had also a large wagon drawn by six horses, which was appropriately decorated with mottoes and festooning.

The Shamrock Benevolent Society turned out two hundred strong, with a fine band of music. Their banner had a representation of Washington on one side and the patriot Emmet on the other, a large and handsome wagon drawn by four splendid grays, belonging to Mr. Martin Carey.

The Society made a fine appearance, M. J. Dolan is President; Bryan Foley acted as Marshal in the procession, and Patrick Reilly and Wm. Murphy assisted. This society is Union to a man, and responded with alacrity to the call of their President.

The grand procession moved up Washington avenue to Fourteenth street, down Fourteenth to Lucas Place, up Lucas Place to Seventeenth, down Seventeenth to Pine; down Pine to Fourteenth, down Fourteenth to Chouteau avenue and thence by St. Ange, Park and Carondelet avenue and Fifth street up town. The rear had not left Washington avenue when the front returned to it.

The immense display waned at about 4 o’clock and by 5 P.M. the vast procession had broken up. The celebration was on all hands pronounced the most stupendous ever witnessed in St. Louis.


The upper and large hall of the Mercantile Library building was well filled at an early hour by a highly intelligent and appreciative audience, to listen to the reading of Washington’s Farewell Address, an oration by Chas. D. Drake, and the patriotic music of a select choir. It had been announced that the proceeds of the evening’s entertainment would be contributed to the sick and wounded soldiers, and hundreds gave more readily in view of the certainty of both reaping enjoyment and dispensing help to those to whom a deep debt of gratitude is due.

The hall was decorated with great taste-more beautifully than we have seen it on former occasions. In rear of the rostrum, against a back ground of Union ensigns, rose six snow white pillars of graceful proportions, around which entwined the national red, white and blue, spangled with golden stars. Spanning the pillars above, were inscribed in gold on a ground of white, the well understood names, “Sigel, Carthage.” “Lyon, Springfield.” “Schofield, Fredericktown.” “Thomas, Somerset.” “Foot [sic], Fort Henry.” “Grant, Fort Donelson.” These characters of light were fitly distributed among stars and rosettes-the latter streaming luxuriantly with the national colors. Still above, in overarching letters of dazzling light, glowed the peerless name of “Washington,” and immediately beneath it the figure “1776.” The fine effect was further increased by a grand specimen of the Bird of Jove, looking down upon the scene, and bearing aloft the flags and shield of America. Beneath an overhanging wreath of evergreen was a fine portrait of the great Pater Patriæ. Around were the busts of Washington, Jackson, Franklin, Webster, and Clay, and at each outer corner of the stage a pyramidal pedestal exhibiting the Star Spangled Banner crowned with flowers. Below the portrait of Washington, and in contrast with the date of 1776, were the characters, “Halleck 1862, Missouri.”

Edward T. Wyman, Esq., gracefully presided, and introduced the exercises, the order of which was as follows:



1. Overture-patriotic medley—Band.

2. Invocation—Dr. T. M. Post.

3. Patriotic song—”Hail Columbia.”

4. Reading “Washington’s Farewell Address”—Clinton B. Fisk, Esq.

5. Patriotic song—”Star Spangled Banner.”

6. Oration—Chas. D. Drake, Esq.

7. Patriotic song—”Flag of Our Union.”

8. “My Country, ’tis of Thee.”


The music was principally executed by an excellent choir of twenty singers, and was rapturously received throughout. In the “Medley,” Yankee Doodle, as usual, “brought down the house.” The eloquent and appropriate invocation will long be remembered by those who attentively listened to it. “Hail Columbia” was rarely sung with happier effect, being performed with genuine spirit as well as skill, and finding an audience just “i’ the vein” to appreciate it.
Washington’s Farewell Address was pronounced with gratifying distinction and a chaste and forcible elocution that secured for it something like the attention its words of wisdom merit, yet which they too rarely receive.

The Star Spangled Banner was executed in three solos, the choir joining in the chorus, and the performance seemed to electrify the audience. At its close the choir was called back, and compelled to give another verse of that inspired and incomparable ode.

Mr. Drake’s oration will be found on our first page, and will be extensively perused. It was spoken admirably, and repeatedly elicited uncontrollable bursts of well-deserved applause.

After the pleasing song “Flag of our Union,” by the choir, the whole audience joined in, singing the concluding hymn, commencing “My Country, ’tis of Thee.”