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The News from the East


July and August 1863

From The Missouri Democrat, Tuesday, July 7, 1863.


Although we as yet have no very satisfactory account of the details of the great battle, there would appear to be no longer a question of the substantial success of our arms. The great invasion is brought to an ignominious conclusion, and Lee is flying in hot haste from the victorious Meade. At this result we are not surprised, and have on several occasions placed our predictions on record that something similar to what has happened would follow from Lee’s movement. Yet the result is not the less gratifying because anticipated. Consequences of the utmost importance we expect to follow from this victory, largely affecting the termination of the struggle. Never was a victory so much needed in the East. We had an army there, in which the country had begun to lose confidence, and what was yet more serious it had doubtless in good measure lost confidence in itself. What was quite as much needed as an army, in which the country could place reliance, was a General to command it. The battle of Gettysburg has supplied our wants in these particulars. It has demonstrated that the Army of the Potomac will fight, and fight heroically, which will be a source of relief to many, and that it can win victories, which will be a matter of great encouragement to itself. More important than anything else, however, is the proof that we possess a man in the East, who can command an army in such a manner as to cope with Lee, the greatest of all the rebel leaders.

The battle of Gettysburg can probably be set down as the auspicious beginning of a great campaign, rather than an event decisive in itself. It is not at all probable that Meade will fail to follow up his advantage, even if Lee should succeed in making his escape across the Potomac. We may, therefore, look for important movements and more great battles in the East.