Who was Turner anyway?

Who was Turner anyway?

Click on this image to find out who Turner was.

Field Musicians Wanted!

A Turner Bugler, 2004

Click on this image to learn about opportunities as a bugler, fifer or drummer with the Turner Brigade.

Custom Leatherwork by Mike McCubbins

Custom Leatherwork by Mike McCubbins

Mike McCubbins at Fredericktown 2013

Mike McCubbins works on a leather wallet at the Fredericktown event in 2013.

Company M member Mike McCubbins has been making leather accoutrements for Company M for over 10 years. He makes artillery, infantry, and uniform accoutrements, including hard-to-find items like Walker Colt and Colt Dragoon holsters and mountain howitzer gunner’s knee guards and bricoles. Also available are dispatch and document cases and wood-frame knapsacks. Some of his items are available at Adler’s Dry Goods. Contact Mike for pricing and availability at (636)232-3521 or cubby1865@hotmail.com.

Artillery Gunner's Haversack

One of Mike’s artillery gunner’s haversacks that has been in service several years.

The 1863 Manual for Light Artillery, which uses the pack mountain howitzer for its instruction, states in the section on “Service of the Piece”, states:

13. At the command TAKE EQUIPMENTS, the gunner distributes the equipments. No. 1, with the assistance of No. 3, takes out the sponge. The gunner equips himself with the belt containing the hausse and priming wire, and with the knee-guard and the finger-stall, wearing the last on the second finger of the left hand. No. 3 wears the tube pouch containing the friction tubes and the lanyard. Nos. 1 and 2 wear bricoles hung from the left shoulder to the right side. Nos. 2 and 5 wear haversacks hung from the right shoulder to the left side.

Mountain Howitzer Gunner's Knee Guard

One of Mike’s mountain howitzer gunner’s knee guards that has been in service several years.


Mountain Howitzer Bricole

One of Mike’s mountain howitzer bricoles. Company M uses them in sets of four attached to the traces of its prairie limbers. They can also be used on standard limbers in that manner.


Bricoles at Pittsfield 2012

Company G infantrymen use bricoles to withdraw a Company M gun at the Pittsfield event in 2012.


Dispatch case in black inside

Leather document case in black, inside, with paper to show scale.


Dispatch case in black outside

Leather document case in black, outside.


Dispatch case in russet inside

Leather document case in russet, inside.


Dispatch case in russet outside

Leather document case in russet, outside.


Journal Cover

Tooled leather journal cover.


Journal Cover

Tooled leather journal cover.


Journal Cover

Tooled leather journal cover.